Tetraspanins can potentially contribute to both adhesion-dependen

Tetraspanins can potentially contribute to both adhesion-dependent and adhesion-independent DC migration. Tetraspanins are best characterized by their ability to molecularly interact with integrins — adhesion molecules important in regulating cell migration in many diverse cell types [2]. Tetraspanins regulate integrin function, as frequently observed in the impaired adhesion and migration of tetraspanin-deficient cells of various lineages [27, 29-31]. Similarly, we demonstrate that adhesion to fibronectin is impaired in CD37−/− DCs under low shear flow (Fig. 6A) implicating a role for CD37 in regulating

outside-in signaling of α4β1 and/or α5β1 integrins in DCs. Tetraspanins are also known to interact with the cytoskeleton Selumetinib purchase via molecular interactions with ezrin/radixin/moesin proteins [37], and cross-linking tetraspanins at the cell surface can drive cytoskeletal rearrangement [38]. In Alpelisib purchase this study we observed impaired CD37−/− DC function in two processes known to require cytoskeletal rearrangement: integrin outside-in signaling, investigated by measuring adhesion under flow (Fig. 6A), as well as

cell spreading to form membrane protrusions (Fig. 6C–G). An effect of CD37 ablation on cytoskeletal rearrangement is also consistent with a recent report that the absence of another tetraspanin, CD81, results in inhibited integrin-dependent in vitro DC chemotaxis [28] and the formation of membrane protrusions, driven by

a dysregulation of Rac-1 activation. While the Cediranib (AZD2171) in vivo immunological effects of impaired migration of CD81−/− DCs were not studied [28], in the present paper it is clear that CD37 ablation profoundly affects in vivo DC migration which is the likely cellular mechanism that underlies the poor cellular immunity induced in CD37−/− mice. The next challenge is to unravel the molecular interactions of CD37 in DCs. C57BL/6 (WT), C57BL/6.CD37−/− (CD37−/−) [10], CD11cYFP, CD37−/−.CD11cYFP, and OT-I Ly5.1 mice were bred in house, or obtained from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (Melbourne, Australia). Mice were housed under SPF conditions within the Burnet Institute animal facility (Austin Campus), the AMREP Animal Services, or the Nijmegen Medical Centre and used between 8 and 12 weeks of age. In vivo multiphoton imaging was performed on 8–10-week-old female CD37−/−.CD11cYFP mice with CD11cYFP mice used as controls. The corresponding campus animal ethics committees at Austin Hospital, AMREP Animal Services, Monash Medical Centre, or Nijmegen Medical Centre approved all animal experiments. Mice were challenged subcutaneously with 1–5 × 106 cells from either RMA (C57BL/6 — T-cell lymphoma) or RMA-Muc1 as described previously [39].

g mild bronchitis vs severe pneumonia

g. mild bronchitis vs. severe pneumonia click here requiring intubation). Therefore, further analysis of more strains coupled with clinical observations are required in order to define these phylogenetic clades described by Erwin et al. (2008) as well as to identify potential clones that may possess unique invasive properties. However, this type of study requires prospectively enrolling patients into study cohorts and careful planning. Another limitation of our study is the relatively small number of isolates examined. Analysis with more isolates collected from the two groups of patients (respiratory tract infection vs. systemic disease) may allow us to confirm if there are clones that may be mainly

associated with invasive diseases such as clones identified as clusters 7 and 8 in Table 2. In summary, our results showed the NT Hi that caused invasive disease were not necessarily different from the NT Hi isolates recovered from the respiratory tract based on phenotypic (biotype) and genetic (MLST) EPZ-6438 traits. This supports earlier findings by other investigators (Saito et al., 1999) that the source of invasive NT Hi originates from the respiratory tract of carriers. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the emergence of NT Hi as a cause of invasive disease was not due to virulent capsular strains

that have undergone genetic mechanisms to shed or switch their capsules. Finally, the burden of invasive Hi disease, which used to be mainly a childhood disease, has now shifted to involve both adults and the very young. We wish to thank the staff at the DNA Core Facility of the National Microbiology Laboratory for the DNA sequencing work. RSW Tsang had received funding from Health Canada’s Biotechnology-Genomics Research and Development Fund for studies on vaccine preventable bacterial diseases. This study made use of the Hi MLST website (http://haemophilus.mlst.net), developed and maintained by David Aanensen at the Imperial

College, London, UK, and funded by the Wellcome Trust. The site is currently curated PD184352 (CI-1040) by Daniel Godoy. “
“Sepsis and type 2 diabetes exhibit insulin resistance as a common phenotype. In type 2 diabetes we and others have recently provided evidence that alterations of the pro-inflammatory wnt5a/anti-inflammatory sFRP5 system are involved in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether this novel cytokine system is dysregulated in human sepsis which may indicate a potential mechanism linking inflammation to metabolism. In this single-centre prospective observational study, critically ill adult septic patients were examined and pro-inflammatory wnt5a and wnt5a inhibitor sFRP5 were measured in serum samples by ELISA at admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 5 days later. 60 sepsis patients were included and 30 healthy individuals served as controls.

Work by Wallach et al (65) investigated antibodies to the previo

Work by Wallach et al. (65) investigated antibodies to the previously identified immunodominant gametocyte antigens and their potential to transfer immunity passively. Sera from mice immunized with enriched gametocyte extracts were found to contain antibodies to the predominant 56 and 82 kDa macrogametocyte proteins. A monoclonal antibody, 1E11-11, which recognized the 56 kDa antigen, was bound to a Sepharose column and used to purify the 56 kDa macrogametocyte protein. Surprisingly, the 82 kDa macrogametocyte protein co-eluted, sometimes with a third 230–250 kDa gametocyte protein (65). Thus, affinity Erlotinib purification could successfully extract

the macrogametocyte antigens. These affinity-purified macrogametocyte antigens were then used to produce highly specific chicken anti-gametocyte sera, which were pooled and used in passive immunization studies. Naïve, 2-week-old chicks were immunized passively with sera containing the anti-56 kDa and anti-82 kDa protein IgG antibodies, resulting in a reduction in oocyst output by 40–50% in chickens. Based on this result, it

was determined that these antibodies provided partial protective immunity against E. maxima (65). Although the exact mechanism of inhibition remained unknown, it was obvious that the antibodies were affecting parasite development. Studies showed that mouse INCB018424 clinical trial antibody raised to the 56 and 82 kDa antigens bound predominantly to macrogametocytes (62). As such, it was hypothesized that these antibodies were either inhibiting the growth, development or fertilization of the macrogametes or thus, inhibiting oocyst formation (Figure 1b), reducing the total number of oocysts produced (65). As work progressed, the ability of the macrogametocyte antigens to induce protective immunity was investigated. Previously, maternal transfer of IgG antibodies via the egg yolk had been shown to effectively prevent infection with Eimeria in chickens (57,66). PD-1 antibody inhibitor This mechanism of

maternal antibody transfer was investigated as a means of immunizing hens with E. maxima APGA (63,65). Work showed that APGA, when used as a vaccine to immunize laying hens, could provide a good level of immunity to hatched chicks through passive transfer of protective maternal anti-gametocyte antibodies (Figure 1a). This level of immunity resulted in up to an 83% reduction in oocyst shedding, when chicks were challenged with E. maxima oocysts, which was similar to that observed in chicks from hens vaccinated with a live vaccine (54). These results led to further maternal immunization studies (53,55,67,68). Maternal transfer of protective antibodies to chicks from hens given a high dose of E. maxima oocysts was also observed, where passive immunity in the chicks correlated to the amount of IgG transferred via the egg yolk, and was detected in the sera of chicks for up to 3 weeks post-hatching (53).

This suggests that dissimilar CD4 T cell functions control tolera

This suggests that dissimilar CD4 T cell functions control tolerance and enterotoxin-induced IgA immunity in the gut. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, through its support of the Mucosal Immunobiology and Vaccine Centre, the Swedish Research Council (2006-6441, to U.Y. and 2010-4286, to P.A.O.), Jeansson Foundation, Åke Wiberg Foundation, Clas Grochinsky Foundation,

Magnus Bergvall Foundation, Golje Foundation, Hierta Foundation, the Royal Arts and Society of Arts and Science in Göteborg, the Umeå University Faculty of Medicine Foundations, and a Young Researcher Award from Umeå University (to P.A.O.). The authors have no conflict of interest. Figure S1. Analysis of cell populations in the gut-associated Wnt inhibitor lymphoid tissue of CD47−/− mice. Figure S2. Reduced frequency of CD11b+ dendritic cells in the mesenteric lymph Hydroxychloroquine manufacturer nodes of CD47−/− mice. Figure S3. Reduced frequency of CD11b+ conventional dendritic cells in the small intestinal lamina propria

but not Peyer’s patches of CD47−/− mice. Figure S4. Mesenteric lymph nodes are required for oral tolerance but not for the generation of antigen-specific IgA following oral immunization. “
“IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis is currently considered as an autoimmune disease distinct from Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) and responds extremely well to steroid therapy. To further elucidate the characteristics of IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis, we analysed VH fragments of IgH genes and their somatic hypermutation in SS (n = 3) and IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis (n = 3), using sialolithiasis (n = 3) as a non-autoimmune control.

DNA was extracted from the affected inflammatory lesions. After PCR amplification of rearranged IgH genes, at least 50 clones per case (more than 500 clones in total) were sequenced for VH fragments. Monoclonal IgH rearrangement was not detected in any cases examined. When compared with Histamine H2 receptor sialolithiasis, there was no VH family or VH fragment specific to SS or IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis. However, rates of unmutated VH fragments in SS (30%) and IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis (39%) were higher than that in sialolithiasis (14%) with statistical significance (P = 0.0005 and P < 0.0001, respectively). This finding suggests that some autoantibodies encoded by germline or less mutated VH genes may fail to be eliminated and could play a role in the development of SS and IgG4-related sclerosing sialadenitis. Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis, also known as a Kuttner tumour, is a benign inflammatory process which is usually unilateral and which occurs almost exclusively in the submandibular gland [1, 2]. It is characterized histologically by periductal fibrosis, dense lymphocytic infiltration, loss of the acini and marked sclerosis of the salivary gland.

Biopsied tissues were evalueted by light microscopy & indirect im

Biopsied tissues were evalueted by light microscopy & indirect immunofluresence study. Reports were demanded within 24 hours time. The initial reports were validated by subsequent clinical course &/or re-biopsy. Results: Amongst 623 renal transplants performed during the study period (jan 2010 to jan 2013), 72 patients had primary graft dysfunction & were biopsied. Biopsy results on day 1 were as shown

in table no.1. Conclusion: Per-operative graft biopsy of non-functioning kidney is a safe procedure with high diagnostic yield & considerable specificity. AN JUNG NAM1, HWANG JIN HO1, JEON HEE JUNG2, JUNG IN MOK1, PARK SU-KIL3, KIM YON SU2, KIM YOUNG HOON3, OH YUN KYU1, LIM CHUN SOO1, LEE JUNG PYO1 1Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center; 2Seoul National University College click here of Medicine; 3Asan Medical Center and University of Ulsan College of Medicine Introduction: Cardiovascular

disease is a leading cause of mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease, even undergoing Fulvestrant transplantation. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is the most common feature and an independent risk factor for cardiac complications in kidney transplant recipients. The aim of this study was to identify cardiac alteration after kidney transplantation and analyze predictors of the post-transplant LVH. Methods: Among 2957 kidney transplant recipients in a multicenter cohort from 1997 to 2012, a total of 206 patients who conducted echocardiography before and one year after transplantation were enrolled in this study. Echocardiographic findings and clinical

parameters were evaluated. Results: Kidney transplantation Aprepitant significantly reduced mean left ventricular mass index (LVMI) from 128.8 ± 47.2 g/m2 to 106.4 ± 33.0 g/m2 (p < 0.001) [Figure 1]. The ejection fraction was improved (59.4 ± 8.0% vs. 62.1 ± 6.7%, p < 0.001). The prevalence of LVH by echocardiography significantly decreased (62.6% vs. 46.1%, p = 0.001). The prevalence of diastolic dysfunction, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension also decreased. Pre-transplant lower hemoglobin level (OR 0.74, 95% CI 0.56–0.96, p = 0.026) and pre-transplant higher LVMI (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.01–1.02, p < 0.001) were independently associated with persistent LVH after kidney transplantation. On the other hand, ejection fraction, diastolic dysfunction, underlying renal disease, albumin or cholesterol level, blood pressure, rejection, and allograft function were not correlated with post-transplant LVH. Conclusions: Cardiac morphology and function were significantly improved by kidney transplantation. Treatment of anemia might be crucial in regression and prevention of persistent LVH in kidney transplant recipients.

Briefly, 96-well ELISA plates were coated with 5 mg/ml double-str

Briefly, 96-well ELISA plates were coated with 5 mg/ml double-stranded calf thymus DNA (Sigma) in sodium salt citrate buffer at 37°C overnight.

To each well was added 200 µl of 1% BSA for blocking. Selleck Erastin After washing with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-T, sera were added in serial dilutions starting at 1 : 100. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) (chain specific) (Sigma) was added after washing with PBS-T. Finally, substrate containing 3, 3′, 5, 5′-tetramethylbenzidene (TMB; Sigma) in 0·1 M citrate buffer (pH 4·0) and 0·015% H2O2 was added for colour development. Optical density (OD) at A380 was measured by a microtitre plate reader (Dynatech, McLean, VA, USA). Kidneys were removed when the mice were killed at the age of 24 weeks

after BM transplantation. One kidney was fixed with 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and then sectioned. The sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The haematoxylin and eosin kidney slides were examined in a blinded fashion and graded for glomerular inflammation, proliferation, crescent formation and necrosis. Scores from 0 to 3+ (0, none; 1+, mild; 2+, moderate; and 3+, severe) were assigned for each of these features and then added together to yield a final renal pathology score. The scores for crescent formation and necrosis were doubled to reflect the severity of those lesions. The maximum score was 18. Interstitial and tubular changes were also recorded. Vasculitis Panobinostat datasheet was judged as either present or absent. The unpaired t-test was used to test for significant differences between the two groups. A P < 0·05 was considered to be statistically significant. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used when appropriate. Survival significance was determined via analysis of a survival curve with Prism software from GraphPad Software,

Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA). In order to confirm the efficiency of irradiation, the opposite sex donor BM cells were used when the BM transplants were performed. At the end of the study, BM cells were extracted from killed mice and hybridized to Cy3-labelled mouse X-chromosome paint and FITC-labelled mouse BCKDHA Y-chromosome paint to determine the percentage of BM cells that had grafted onto the hosts. As shown in Fig. 1, BM transplanted mice had more than 96% BM cells from the donors. The percentage of BM cells from donors is probably higher, as the remaining 4% of BM cells did not show clear staining by FISH. Furthermore, all eight MRL/lpr mice that did not receive BM cells died less than 2 weeks after irradiation due to lack of haematopoietic cells. These results demonstrate that our irradiation protocol is sufficient to ablate recipient BM cells.

Inflammatory reaction has been implicated as one of the most impo

Inflammatory reaction has been implicated as one of the most important mechanism of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of anthocyanins from black soybean seed coat on keratinocytes in vitro and ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo. We investigated the inhibition, by anthocyanins, of the expression of various inflammatory genes associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury in the tumor

necrosis factor-alpha-treated (TNF-α) immortalized epidermal keratinocyte cell BAY 80-6946 line (HaCaT). We also investigated the effects of anthocyanins on the survival of skin flaps after ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rats. According to Western blot analysis and a luciferase activity assay, anthocyanins inhibited TNF-α-induced intercellular

adhesion molecule-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) levels through the NF-κB-dependent pathway. MK-8669 Administration of anthocyanins (50 and 100 mg/kg) significantly improved the flap area survival in the 10-hour ischemic model from 62% to 74.5% and 83%, respectively (P = 0.001). The related cytokines in skin flap also changed as the same pattern as in vitro. Our results indicate that anthocyanins from black soybean seed coat had anti-inflammatory effects on the HaCaT cell line and increase the survival of skin flaps through anti-inflammatory properties against ischemia-reperfusion injury. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery, 2012. “
“Introduction: In this study, we evaluated the role of the Netrin-1 receptor UNC5b (Uncoordinated), a neuronal guidance molecule, during peripheral nerve regeneration using the mouse median nerve model. Materials and methods: Using Western blot analysis, we examined the expression changes Casein kinase 1 of UNC5b after transection and microsurgical repair of the mouse median nerve distal to the transection site. We evaluated the histomorphometrical changes and functional recovery of the grasping force after median nerve transection and repair in

wild-type (WT) mice and UNC5b+/− heterozygous mice. Results: In Western blot analysis, we could show a high increase of UNC5b in the nerve segment distal to the injury site at day 14. Histomorphometrical analysis did not show any significant differences between WT animals and heterozygous animals. Using the functional grasping test, we could demonstrate that peripheral nerve regeneration is significantly diminished in heterozygous UNC5b+/− mice. Conclusion: By using the mouse median nerve model in transgenic animals, we demonstrate that the Netrin-1 receptor UNC5b plays an important role during peripheral nerve regeneration. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery, 2013. “
“In this report, we present our experience on the use of the reverse sural flap for traumatic foot and ankle reconstruction. The patient selection and surgical refinement are discussed.

DOM-PSMA epitope DNA fusion vaccine or the p DOM control vaccine

DOM-PSMA epitope DNA fusion vaccine or the p.DOM control vaccine. Mice were sacrificed 14 days after receiving a single DNA vaccination and T-cell responses in the spleen were assessed ZD1839 mw ex vivo by IFN-γ ELISpot assay. All vaccines, including the p.DOM control, were able to prime responses to the p30 MHC class II-binding peptide, an indication of vaccine performance and confirmation of vaccine product integrity (Fig. 1B). Immunization with the respective vaccines additionally induced significant IFN-γ-secreting T cells specific for the PSMA27, PSMA663, and PSMA711 peptides (Fig. 1B). However, the average response

to each vaccine varied, with the p.DOM-PSMA711 vaccine demonstrating the highest response. As expected, immunization with the control p.DOM vaccine failed to induce any PSMA-specific T-cell responses. The peptide sensitivities of the epitope-specific CD8+ T-cell responses

for all vaccines are similar (Fig. 1C). These results indicate that the p.DOM-PSMA27, p.DOM-PSMA663, and p.DOM-PSMA711 vaccines are all able to perform effectively in vivo, allowing the processing of the respective HLA-A*0201 PSMA epitopes from the vaccine backbone in a manner that permits efficient priming of epitope-specific CD8+ Pexidartinib supplier T-cell responses. Vaccination with DNA vaccines encoding an entire antigen provides the potential for the induction of responses specific for more than one CD8+ T-cell epitope and also for the priming of tumor-relevant PSMA-specific CD4+ T-cell responses. To assess the performance of such a vaccine, p.PSMA and p.PSMA-DOM constructs were used. The ability of these vaccines to generate epitope-specific responses against PSMA27, PSMA663, and PSMA711 in HHD mice was assessed by Protein tyrosine phosphatase ex vivo IFN-γ ELISpot. Mice that

received a single vaccination of either p.PSMA or p.PSMA-DOM were unable to prime detectable responses to any of the three PSMA-derived peptides assessed 14 days later (data not shown). On the contrary, each respective p.DOM-PSMA epitope vaccine effectively primed high levels of peptide-specific CD8+ T cells (Fig. 1B). To attempt to increase PSMA-specific T-cell responses against the full-length PSMA, mice were primed and subsequently boosted with electroporation on day 28 and their responses assessed 8 days later. Despite the fact that p30-specific responses could be detected in all but one of the p.PSMA-DOM-vaccinated mice, there was no significant improvement in the response to any of the candidate peptides induced by either of the full-length vaccines; with only a very low level response to PSMA663 peptide detectable (Fig. 2A). On the contrary, homologous boosting of mice previously immunized with the p.DOM-PSMA663 epitope vaccine resulted in an approximately sixfold increase in peptide-specific T-cell numbers compared with priming (Fig. 2B). Furthermore, this response is approximately 30-fold higher than that seen in mice which received the full-length vaccines.

However, a number of studies have demonstrated that the efficacy

However, a number of studies have demonstrated that the efficacy of BCG against TB wanes over time and provides little or no protection against pulmonary TB in adolescents and adults [6]. Furthermore, according to the WHO recommendation, BCG vaccination should not be given to HIV-infected infants because of a high risk of disseminated infection [7, 8]. Therefore, a novel, safe, and effective vaccine against TB for both HIV-negative and HIV-positive individuals is urgently IDH inhibitor needed. For preexposure, two main approaches

are currently being evaluated [6, 9]. The first approach involves generating modified mycobacteria that would be more effective than BCG with present examples including VPM 1002, rBCG30, and MIP [6]. The second check details approach relies on the development of a “prime-boost” vaccination strategy consisting of a primary BCG vaccination in newborns and a follow-up booster subunit vaccine, such as recombinant mycobacterial proteins formulated in adjuvants (M72, Hybrid-1, Hyvac 4, H56, and ID93), and recombinant viral vectors expressing mycobacterial proteins (MVA85A, Aeras-402, and AdAg85A). In the case of postexposure, subunits vaccines would be built as immunotherapeutic agents in combination with antibiotics. Exosomes are 50–150 nm membrane vesicles originating from multivesicular bodies by inward

budding of endosomal membranes and are released by hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells via the fusion of the limiting membrane of multivesicular bodies to the plasma membrane [10, 11]. These membrane vesicles

were originally defined as a mechanism to eliminate surface membrane receptors such as the transferrin receptor from maturing reticulocytes [12, 13]. Subsequently, it was determined that EBV-transfomed B lymphocytes release exosomes containing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules with bound peptides, which were able to activate antigen-specific T cells in vivo. This suggests a role for exosomes in promoting an acquired Glycogen branching enzyme immune response [14]. The feasibility of using antigen-containing exosomes as a novel cell-free tumor vaccine has been investigated in some detail [15-18]. Our previous studies determined that cultured macrophages infected with M. tuberculosis or pulsed with M. tuberculosis culture filtrate protein (CFP) released exosomes containing mycobacterial components including antigenic proteins and lipids, and were capable of priming a mycobacterial antigen-specific T-cell response in mice [19-21]. However, it remained unclear whether these exosomes were able to protect against an M. tuberculosis infection. In this study, we investigated the vaccine efficacy of exosomes against TB in both naïve and prior BCG-immunized mice. The M.

Parasite burdens were determined at wk 3 (Fig 4B), and wk 6 and

Parasite burdens were determined at wk 3 (Fig. 4B), and wk 6 and 13 (data not shown). As expected from the lesion data, parasite loads were higher in Lm/CpG-vaccinated IL-17R−/− mice if compared with WT at the early time point. No differences in parasite burdens between the two groups were observed at later time points (data not shown). The analysis of the I BET 762 dermal site during the “silent” phase (2 wk) revealed, as expected, that the frequency of CD4+Th17 cells is elevated in the ears of Lm/CpG-vaccinated

WT animals. In contrast, the frequency of these cells was decreased fourfold in IL-17R−/− mice vaccinated with the same vaccine (Fig. 5A). The same trend was observed for IFN-γ expression, with an even more dramatic decrease in frequency of Th1 cells in the IL-17R−/− mice (tenfold). The absolute number of IL-17+ and IFN-γ+ T cells is shown in Fig. 5B, and confirms that Th1 cells are the most decreased population in the deficient mice. The frequency of Treg was increased in Afatinib IL-17R−/− mice (Supporting Information Fig. 3). A decrease in effector numbers concomitant to an increase in Treg could explain the elevated parasite burdens in the ears of IL-17R−/− mice 2 wk post vaccination. Because IL-17 has been reported to contribute to inflammatory immune response by recruiting neutrophils, which are implicated in the control of leishmaniasis, we wanted to determine

whether decreased frequencies of Th17 cells would result in differences in neutrophil accumulation in the vaccination site. To determine this, we quantified the relative percentage of different cell populations in cytospin preparations generated from the vaccinated ears at wk 2. Figure 5C confirmed that neutrophils frequencies were significantly increased in WT mice vaccinated with Lm/CpG and

decreased in the IL-17R−/− animals. The relative frequencies of mast cells and melanocytes were significantly decreased in the Lm/CpG-vaccinated WT mice, probably a reflexion of the relative higher numbers of neutrophils in the skin of these animals. We also did not detect infected neutrophils, and very few infected macrophages (5%), in the cytospin preparations from Lm/CpG-vaccinated mice. Infected cells were more prominent (5% neutrophils, 21% macrophages) in L. major-infected mice (data not shown). This suggests that the phagocytic ability of these cell types was enhanced tuclazepam by Lm/CpG vaccination. Cytokine levels were also determined in the draining lymph nodes of WT and IL-17R−/− mice at wk 2 post inoculation. IL-6 and TGF-β production, which in conjunction causes Th17 development, was significantly increased in WT mice vaccinated with Lm/CpG (p=0.0001 and p=0.001, Fig. 6A and B), but not in IL-17R−/− animals. IL-17 was only detected in WT mice vaccinated with Lm/CpG (Fig. 6C). IL-12 was secreted by lymph node cells of all mice vaccinated with Lm/CpG (Fig. 6D). Interestingly, IFN-γ could not be detected in IL-17R−/− immunized with this vaccine (Fig. 6F).