Work by Wallach et al. (65) investigated antibodies to the previously identified immunodominant gametocyte antigens and their potential to transfer immunity passively. Sera from mice immunized with enriched gametocyte extracts were found to contain antibodies to the predominant 56 and 82 kDa macrogametocyte proteins. A monoclonal antibody, 1E11-11, which recognized the 56 kDa antigen, was bound to a Sepharose column and used to purify the 56 kDa macrogametocyte protein. Surprisingly, the 82 kDa macrogametocyte protein co-eluted, sometimes with a third 230–250 kDa gametocyte protein (65). Thus, affinity Erlotinib purification could successfully extract
the macrogametocyte antigens. These affinity-purified macrogametocyte antigens were then used to produce highly specific chicken anti-gametocyte sera, which were pooled and used in passive immunization studies. Naïve, 2-week-old chicks were immunized passively with sera containing the anti-56 kDa and anti-82 kDa protein IgG antibodies, resulting in a reduction in oocyst output by 40–50% in chickens. Based on this result, it
was determined that these antibodies provided partial protective immunity against E. maxima (65). Although the exact mechanism of inhibition remained unknown, it was obvious that the antibodies were affecting parasite development. Studies showed that mouse INCB018424 clinical trial antibody raised to the 56 and 82 kDa antigens bound predominantly to macrogametocytes (62). As such, it was hypothesized that these antibodies were either inhibiting the growth, development or fertilization of the macrogametes or thus, inhibiting oocyst formation (Figure 1b), reducing the total number of oocysts produced (65). As work progressed, the ability of the macrogametocyte antigens to induce protective immunity was investigated. Previously, maternal transfer of IgG antibodies via the egg yolk had been shown to effectively prevent infection with Eimeria in chickens (57,66). PD-1 antibody inhibitor This mechanism of
maternal antibody transfer was investigated as a means of immunizing hens with E. maxima APGA (63,65). Work showed that APGA, when used as a vaccine to immunize laying hens, could provide a good level of immunity to hatched chicks through passive transfer of protective maternal anti-gametocyte antibodies (Figure 1a). This level of immunity resulted in up to an 83% reduction in oocyst shedding, when chicks were challenged with E. maxima oocysts, which was similar to that observed in chicks from hens vaccinated with a live vaccine (54). These results led to further maternal immunization studies (53,55,67,68). Maternal transfer of protective antibodies to chicks from hens given a high dose of E. maxima oocysts was also observed, where passive immunity in the chicks correlated to the amount of IgG transferred via the egg yolk, and was detected in the sera of chicks for up to 3 weeks post-hatching (53).