g. mild bronchitis vs. severe pneumonia click here requiring intubation). Therefore, further analysis of more strains coupled with clinical observations are required in order to define these phylogenetic clades described by Erwin et al. (2008) as well as to identify potential clones that may possess unique invasive properties. However, this type of study requires prospectively enrolling patients into study cohorts and careful planning. Another limitation of our study is the relatively small number of isolates examined. Analysis with more isolates collected from the two groups of patients (respiratory tract infection vs. systemic disease) may allow us to confirm if there are clones that may be mainly
associated with invasive diseases such as clones identified as clusters 7 and 8 in Table 2. In summary, our results showed the NT Hi that caused invasive disease were not necessarily different from the NT Hi isolates recovered from the respiratory tract based on phenotypic (biotype) and genetic (MLST) EPZ-6438 traits. This supports earlier findings by other investigators (Saito et al., 1999) that the source of invasive NT Hi originates from the respiratory tract of carriers. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the emergence of NT Hi as a cause of invasive disease was not due to virulent capsular strains
that have undergone genetic mechanisms to shed or switch their capsules. Finally, the burden of invasive Hi disease, which used to be mainly a childhood disease, has now shifted to involve both adults and the very young. We wish to thank the staff at the DNA Core Facility of the National Microbiology Laboratory for the DNA sequencing work. RSW Tsang had received funding from Health Canada’s Biotechnology-Genomics Research and Development Fund for studies on vaccine preventable bacterial diseases. This study made use of the Hi MLST website (http://haemophilus.mlst.net), developed and maintained by David Aanensen at the Imperial
College, London, UK, and funded by the Wellcome Trust. The site is currently curated PD184352 (CI-1040) by Daniel Godoy. “
“Sepsis and type 2 diabetes exhibit insulin resistance as a common phenotype. In type 2 diabetes we and others have recently provided evidence that alterations of the pro-inflammatory wnt5a/anti-inflammatory sFRP5 system are involved in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether this novel cytokine system is dysregulated in human sepsis which may indicate a potential mechanism linking inflammation to metabolism. In this single-centre prospective observational study, critically ill adult septic patients were examined and pro-inflammatory wnt5a and wnt5a inhibitor sFRP5 were measured in serum samples by ELISA at admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 5 days later. 60 sepsis patients were included and 30 healthy individuals served as controls.