The role of CCN2 will be discussed in more detail in later sectio

The role of CCN2 will be discussed in more detail in later sections. Additional osteocyte selective markers, such as osteopontin (OPN) [28], dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) [70] and [71], osteoblast/osteocyte

factor 45 (OF45, also called MEPE) [72] and E11/gp38 [73], are also regulated by mechanical loading. Among the non-collagenous bone matrix proteins, OPN was suggested to have a role in bone remodeling by mediating osteoclast attachment. In support of this, we found that the expression level of OPN in osteocytes located in pressure-loaded bone is increased in the process of experimental bone resorption stimulated by mechanical stress during experimental tooth movement [29]. Studies show that the DMP1 gene is also activated within a few hours in response to mechanical loading in osteocytes during the mTOR inhibitor therapy tooth movement model [70]. OF45 [72], a novel, bone-specific extracellular matrix protein, is tightly linked to mineralization and bone formation. Mouse OF45 is similar to its rat ortholog in that its expression is increased during mineralization in osteoblast cultures and within

embedded osteocytes. Osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in ex vivo cultures, however, are unaffected by OF45 mutation in a targeted mouse line deficient in OF45 [72]. From these results, it was concluded that OF45 plays an inhibitory role in bone formation in the mouse [72]. E11/gp38, a membrane protein that is osteocyte-selective and thought to play a role selleck compound in dendrite elongation, is also activated within 4 h after a mechanical load, not only in osteocytes near the bone surface, but also in those deeply embedded in the bone [73]. Growth factors and cytokines dramatically affect the proliferation and differentiation of cells that express their receptors. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a cytokine that stimulates collagen and DNA synthesis in osteogenic cells and its action results in an increase in bone formation in vivo [74]. Indeed, one study showed that IGF-1 mRNA expression is increased in osteocytes of the rat caudal vertebra by mechanical

loading within 6 h [75]. Furthermore, the role of IGF-1 in the translation of mechanical stimuli into bone formation locally in rat tibiae has been linked to osteocytes [76]. However, further Avelestat (AZD9668) study is required to understand the role of IGF-1 produced by osteocytes responding to mechanical stress. The osteocyte-specific marker, sclerostin, is produced by osteocytes and is the Wnt signaling antagonist encoded by the Sost gene [77]. Sclerostin is decreased in response to anabolic loading [78]. In mechanical loading experiments of transgenic mice, in which they had been engineered to maintain high levels of Sost/sclerostin expression, it was found that the down-regulation of Sost/sclerostin in osteocytes is a obligatory step in the mechanotransduction cascade that activates Wnt signaling to direct osteogenesis to where bone is structurally needed [78].

Interestingly, pDCs are also found in

Interestingly, pDCs are also found in Vemurafenib oral lichen planus (OLP) and in periodontitis [111] and [112]. In particular, significant recruitment of pDCs producing IFN-α within

the lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate and close cell–cell contacts between pDCs and mature dendritic cells (DCs) have been demonstrated. These data indicate that recruitment of different subtypes of DC, including pDCs, may play a pivotal role in the development of the lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate that typically occurs in OLP. We hypothesize that by analogy with the hCAP18/LL-37 and self-DNA complexes that activate pDCs in psoriasis, its peptide increases in OLP. Binding of self-DNA released from damaged or apoptotic cells to hCAP18/LL-37 may be potentially developed as therapies for OLP and other chronic inflammatory diseases. Additionally, hCAP18/LL-37 induced angiogenesis, and its peptide resulted in neovascularization both in the chorioallantoic membrane assay and in a rabbit hind-limb ischemia [113]. This peptide directly activated endothelial cells to proliferate and form vessel-like structures in human endothelial cells, HUVECs, and shown to cause endothelial sprouting from hamster aortic rings.

The angiogenic activity of hCAP18/LL-37 appears to be mediated by the interaction of peptide with FPRL-1 in endothelial cells. It has been demonstrated that human β-defensin-3 (hBD-3), hCAP18/LL-37, and α-defensins are present in the μg/ml range in children’s saliva. The concentration of α-defensins was significantly higher in children with no caries than in those with caries, whereas the concentration of hCAP18/LL-37 and

hBD-3 did not correlate with caries [114]. In contrast, the expression of hCAP18/LL-37 was upregulated in the inflamed Interleukin-2 receptor gingival tissue in comparison with healthy gingival tissue and was correlated positively with the depth of the gingival crevice [115], indicating that hCAP18/LL-37 expression in the gingival tissue is associated with the severity of periodontal disease. In addition, there are variations in the responses of oral epithelial cells to different bacteria and in the sensitivity of oral flora to the peptides [116]. For example, Prevotella intermedia induced the expression of hCAP-18/LL-37 and hBD-1, hBD-2, and hBD-3; Fusobacterium nucleatum, hBD-2 and hBD-3; and Porphyromonas gingivalis, hBD-2. Other species associated with periodontal disease, such as Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola, either did not induce expression or caused a down-regulation of steady state mRNA levels. Expression of hCAP18/LL-37 in the gingival epithelial cells was similar; P. gingivalis did not induce expression, whereas A. actinomycetemcomitans, F. nucleatum, P. intermedia, and E. corrodens upregulated the expression of hCAP18/LL-37 [115].

cerevisiae strain XV185-14c (MATα, ade2-2, arg4-17, his1-7, lys1-

cerevisiae strain XV185-14c (MATα, ade2-2, arg4-17, his1-7, lys1-1, trp5-48, hom3-10). Yeast cell suspensions containing 2 × 107 cells/mL (exponential phase) were treated with 75 mM hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of concentrated and mate extracts. This dilution was the highest non-cytotoxic concentration of both extracts determined in preliminary assays. The tubes were incubated for 1 h at 28 °C. The samples were then serially diluted in saline solution (0.9% w/v), plated onto YPD (10 g/L of yeast extract, 20 g/L of peptone, 20 g/L of dextrose and 20 g/L of agar–agar) and incubated at 28 °C for 48 h. After incubation, the colonies were counted, and 100% survival was considered

the total number of colonies observed on the control plate (untreated cells)

( Wilmsen, Spada, & Salvador, 2005). All the data were evaluated Akt inhibitor review learn more using the software STATISTICA version 6.0 (2001) (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK) and expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) of triplicate measurements. Tukey’s studentised range test was carried out to test for any significant differences between the mate extract and concentrated mate extract. A difference was considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. The chemical compositions of the mate extract and the concentrated mate extract are shown in Table 1. Significant changes occur in the concentration of bioactive compounds of mate extract after nanofiltration (NF). Concentration by NF does not occur only because of the MWCO of the membrane; it can also occur because of the common structural properties of hydrophobic compounds, which generally include aromatic (benzene) ring structures that have aliphatic carbon groups which, Lck if undissociated in pH conditions lower than their pKa values, can be readily adsorbed in this kind of hydrophobic membrane ( Yoon, Westerhoff, Snyder, & Wert, 2006). As noted by Murakami et al. (2011) and by Prudêncio et al. (2012) with mate leaf extract and

mate bark extract, in this present study it was possible to concentrate bioactive compounds from mate extract by NF (Table 1). The content of chlorogenic acid was determined because it is present in higher concentrations in mate (Pagliosa et al., 2010). Fig. 2(a) shows a representative HPLC-DAD chromatogram of chlorogenic acid identified and quantified in the mate samples. The same behaviour obtained by Murakami et al. (2011) was verified in this present study, i.e., the concentration of chlorogenic acid increased after nanofiltration. The methylxanthine content in the concentrated mate extract was higher (p < 0.05) than in the mate extract. Fig. 2(b) shows a representative HPLC-DAD chromatogram of the methylxanthines identified and quantified in the mate samples. After nanofiltration, the concentration of theobromine (323%) increased more than the concentration of caffeine (251%). As expected, the theobromine content was much lower than the caffeine content in both extracts.

The results were plotted according to Lineweaver

The results were plotted according to Lineweaver learn more & Burk (1934)

graphic method. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test was used to determine significant differences between variables. Differences with a probability value of <0.05 were considered significant and all data were reported as mean ± sd. After fermentation time of 48 h, there was not detected a significant increase in phenolic content, whereas the fungal biomass demonstrated an important increased until 96 h of fermentation (Fig. 1). The glucosamine, a constituent of chitin, an insoluble linear polymer composed of α-1,4 acetylglucosamine bonds, was determined to estimate the multiplication in fungal SSF (Schmidt & Furlong, 2012). At 96 h, 8.8 mgglucosamine/g were obtained from fermented biomass, showing that the R. oryzae fungus can grow using rice bran as a carbon source. The phenolic compounds content at the beginning of fermentation was of about 2.4 mg/g and at the end of 120 h was of 5.1 mg/g, resulting in an increase of over 110% (Fig. 1). Rice phenolics include derivatives of benzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids, mainly ferulic acid and diferulates. These are commonly present in a chain form, and are normally components of complex structures such as hydrolyzable tannins and

lignins, and linked to the cell wall structural components such as cellulose, lignin and proteins by ester CAL 101 linkages (Zhang et al., 2010). The more soluble phenolics are compartmentalised within Methisazone the cell vacuoles, and they are in free or conjugated form, while the insoluble phenolics are connected to structures

in the cell walls, esterified with arabinose or galactose residues of hemicellulose or pectic components (Mira et al., 2009 and Mira et al., 2008). There are two ways in which phenolic compounds can be formed; from the decomposition of the linkages between lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose or by producing a part of rice bran oil (Pourali et al., 2010). In the case of rice bran fermentation, the increased phenolic acids content is mainly caused by the cleavage of compounds complexed with lignin (Schmidt & Furlong, 2012). Filamentous fungi produce a range of enzymes required to break the lignin, and these microorganisms have two extracellular systems, one that produces carbohydrolisases and another ligninolytic oxidative system which degrades phenyl rings, increasing the free phenolic content (Martins et al., 2011 and Sánchez, 2009). Supplementary data 1 and 2 show the calibration parameters and the separation of the group of phenolic acids that were analysed using an isocratic gradient elution. One can observe that the content of rice bran phenolic acids varied with the autoclaving treatment (time zero) but the major change in the content of these compounds occurred with fermentation (Table 1). Among phenolic compounds the p-coumaric acid was the only one that did not display a significant increase (p < 0.

The fact that different concentrations of Cu(II) were found using

The fact that different concentrations of Cu(II) were found using both methods in the samples analyzed is not surprising since the coffee samples were produced in areas distant from one another. As a consequence, the mineral soil composition, as well as the fertilizers used, could influence the

results. Similar results were found by other authors ( Oleszczuk et al., 2007 and Onianwa et al., 1999) for the content of copper in solid coffee samples from different areas around the world, however, no results could be found in the literature concerning the content of copper in samples of instant coffee. The standard addition method and the recovery experiments were carried out using the electroanalytical EGFR inhibition sensor. The recovery values ranged from 90.0% to 110.0% for sample A, 112.0% to

120.0% for sample B, and 118.0% to 120.0% for sample C. According to the literature ( Ribani, Bottoli, Collins, Jardim, & Melo, 2004), the acceptable range of recovery values is generally between 70% and 120% and, depending on the analytic complexity of the sample, may be extended to 50%–120%. The results obtained indicate that the accuracy of the proposed method using the CPE-CTS is not affected by the matrix complexity. Taking into consideration these results we can conclude that the sensor is suitable for Cu(II) determination in instant coffee samples. A novel CHIR-99021 manufacturer carbon paste electrode containing chitosan crosslinked with the chelating mafosfamide agent 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid and glutaraldehyde was developed for determination of Cu(II). The analysis was carried out employing a pre-concentration step at controlled-potential and detection by square wave voltammetry. The results showed that the response of the proposed modified

electrode was more than six times better than that of the bare carbon paste electrode. The optimisation of experimental conditions showed that the pH of the solution strongly affects the voltammetric response and pH 6.0 was the optimal value found. The validation parameters determined using the optimal experimental conditions showed a linear range for quantitative determination of Cu(II) from 5.0 × 10−7 to 1.4 × 10−5 mol L−1 and good detection limit with a pre-concentration time of 180 s. The analytical application of the method employing standard addition showed a recovery that was only slightly dependent on the matrix complexity, verifying the viability of the proposed sensor for Cu(II) determination. The use of the spray drying technique in the preparation of CPE-CTS highlighted the great potential of this technique as an alternative for developing new compounds for further use in the construction of modified carbon paste electrodes and for application in various electroanalytical processes. The authors are grateful to CNPq-Brazil for financial support. L.V. wishes to thank Prof. Valfredo T. Fávere for providing the microspheres of chitosan and 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid.

It is worth noting that closed landfills in almost all industrial

It is worth noting that closed landfills in almost all industrialized countries will continue to require some level of management to insure that human health and the environment is not adversely affected. Plastics likely will be among the most long-lived constituents of landfills. The basic design elements of modern engineered landfills include several features: a waste containment liner system to separate waste from the subsurface environment, systems for the collection and management of leachate and gas, and placement of a final cover after waste deposition is complete. After loads are deposited, compactors and bulldozers

are used to spread and compact the waste on the working face. Waste compacting RO4929097 price includes the process of using a steel wheeled/drum landfill compactor to shred, tear and press together various items in the waste stream

so they consume a minimal volume of landfill airspace. The higher the compaction rate, the more trash the landfill can receive and store. This will also reduce landslides, cave-ins and minimize the risk of fire. The compacted waste is covered with soil daily. In some landfills a complex multi-layer system that includes synthetic materials is used as a cover. The cover is added to minimize percolation Baf-A1 and runoff of leachate from the landfill. Such landfills are sometimes referred to as “dry tomb” systems. Much of the waste introduced to the landfill is biologically labile. As it is covered

and compacted Exoribonuclease in a dry tomb landfill, microbial oxidation of this waste rapidly depletes the oxygen and the system becomes anaerobic. Methanotrophic bacteria are abundant and methane gas is commonly produced. Processes that may lead to release of CNTs from polymers under conditions that prevail in dry tomb landfills include abrasion by the compacting processes to smaller particles. Degradation of the polymer matrix, especially in the case of non-hydrolyzable polymers, and release of CNTs are likely to be extremely slow. For example, polyethylene is so stable under landfill conditions that it has often been chosen as the liner system for the landfills. These conditions represent highly managed landfills. The situation in developing nations is less controlled and could lead to greater post-consumer and environmental releases of discarded CNT composites. The release of CNTs may occur as; (a) free CNTs or CNT agglomerates/aggregates or more frequently, (b) as particles of CNTs embedded in the matrix, where CNTs may be released from the matrix subsequently. The toxicity of free CNTs has been examined in detail (Wick et al., 2011), however there is limited information on the biopersistence and toxicity of matrix particles with CNTs embedded. Ecotoxicological effects of CNTs in soils and sediments appear to be very small and only occur at very high exposure concentrations, e.g. g/kg (Petersen et al., 2011).

Similarly for LUE, the slope did not differ between treatments fo

Similarly for LUE, the slope did not differ between treatments for the immature and the pole-stage1 stand. Plotwise regressions were all significant, except for the thinned mature stand (both efficiency patterns) and the unthinned pole-stage2 stand (LUE). Coefficients

of determination were generally weak, although higher in the pole-stage stands (except pole-stage2 UT) than in the mature and immature stands. As a general trend, both efficiencies indicate an increasing pattern over tree size (Fig. 5). With given tree size (i.e. bole volume) both efficiencies (LAE and LUE) were higher MLN8237 datasheet for the unthinned variants (except for the mature stands). To identify further differences between the thinned and unthinned treatments we conducted Selleckchem RG7420 a comparison at the stand-level. Because variances differed significantly in some

cases, we applied Welch two-sample t-tests to test for differences between the means. The thinned variant always showed significantly higher LAE than the unthinned variant (except for the immature stands). LUE showed the same pattern, except that additionally no significant difference could be found between thinned and unthinned for the pole-stage2 stand. The average tree from the thinned treatment received 28.8%, 34.7%, 104.2% and 84.7% more light (for mature, immature, pole-stage1 and pole-stage2, respectively) than an average tree from the unthinned treatment. The relationship between APAR and LA was linear and differed between growth classes and thinning variants. Binkley et al. (2010) found similar patterns for Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill es Maid.) trees and concluded that “larger trees capture just as much light per unit leaf area as mid-size trees and canopies of small trees were not substantially shaded by neighbors”. Mathematically this is only true, however if the intercept in the APAR to LA relationship is not significantly different from zero. As for the actual Picea abies plots, all intercepts were highly significant, a curvi-linear relationship of APAR per LA over tree size could be expected. To get more insight,

we analyzed the amount of APAR that one unit of LA receives per tree. We found that overall growth classes and thinning variants, Fludarabine chemical structure larger trees absorbed more light per unit LA than smaller trees ( Fig. 2). There are two main reasons that could explain the difference in APAR to LA: (i) self-shading: light has to penetrate through the upper crown before it arrives at leaves in lower parts of the crown and (ii): inter-crown shading or competition: light has to penetrate through other crowns (either neighbors or upper story trees) before it hits the subject crown. To be able to differentiate those two effects, we manipulated Maestra to remove the effects of neighbors. This analysis revealed a pattern of decreasing APARno_comp per LA with increasing tree size (increasing effect of self-shading) ( Fig. 3).

, 2009 and Donald, 2004) Although it

has often been sugg

, 2009 and Donald, 2004). Although it

has often been suggested that intensive monocultures raise productivity and therefore reduce the amount of forested land that needs to be cut for crop cultivation, there are few quantitative data to support VEGFR inhibitor the notion that ‘land sparing’ is more effective than ‘land sharing’ as a conservation strategy (Balmford et al., 2012 and Tscharntke et al., 2012). To the extent that ‘land sparing’ can play a role, genetic selection of more productive cultivars of commodity crops clearly has a part to play. More important, however, is an emphasis on mixed farmland production regimes that combine tree commodities with fruit trees, staple crops and/or vegetables, etc., which maintain commodity yields and promote resilience (Clough et al., 2011). In the right circumstances, the integration of tree commodity crops with other farmland

trees and in forest mosaics can increase commodity production (e.g., see the case of coffee; Ricketts et al., 2004 and Priess et al., 2007). Mixed production regimes are much more amenable for some Y-27632 nmr commodities (such as coffee and cocoa; SCI, 2013) than for others (such as palm oil; Donald, 2004). One option being promoted in West Africa, for example, is to incorporate ‘new’ tree commodity crops such as allanblackia, a tree whose seed yields edible oil with significant potential in the global food market, with cocoa production (Jamnadass et al., 2010). When allanblackia trees have matured, farmers’ incomes will be distributed more evenly through the year, as allanblackia and cocoa have different production seasons (Novella Africa, 2013). To support diverse production systems, genetic selection for commodity crop cultivars that do well under shade may be of particular importance (Mohan Jain and Pregnenolone Priyadarshan, 2009). This may require returning to wild genetic resources still found in shaded, mixed-species forest habitats. Not only may mixed production systems be more

resilient ecologically, but they may support more resilient food systems. Buying food using the income received from a single commodity crop can lead to food insecurity for farm households when payments are one-off, delayed or unpredictable in value, and as a result tree commodity crops are sometimes viewed sceptically within agricultural production-based strategies to improve nutrition (FAO, 2012). For farmers who have too little land to cultivate enough food to meet their needs, however, incomes from tree commodity crops may be the only way to obtain sufficient food (Arnold, 1990). Tree-based production systems are often promoted because of their perceived biological, economic and social resilience in the context of anthropogenic climate change and other production challenges (Alfaro et al., 2014, this special issue; Steffan-Dewenter et al., 2007 and Thorlakson and Neufeldt, 2012).

97 and r = 0 98, respectively) On average, each additional marke

97 and r = 0.98, respectively). On average, each additional marker generated 754 new different haplotypes (p = 0.005 from linear regression) and 888 new unique haplotypes (p = 0.003) in the overall sample. The proportion of unique haplotypes worldwide increased from 31.0% for MHT via 77.8% for Yfiler to 92.9% for PPY23 ( Table 2). Correspondingly, DC increased from 43.0% for MHT to 96.1% for PPY23 (r = 0.97). HD showed a similar trend (r = 0.81) whereas MP decreased rapidly with increasing marker number (r = −0.81). Similar trends were observed in the meta-populations defined according to both continental origin and ancestry

(Table S5). In summary, an increasing number of markers was

found to be associated with an almost linear increase of all forensic parameters used to discriminate among individuals. The forensic Selleck KU-55933 parameters selleck products were compared of Y-STRs that have amplicons shorter than 220 bp and that are included in Yfiler (DYS456, DYS389I, DYS458, DYS19, DYS393, DYS391, GATAH4, and DYS437) or PPY23 (DYS576, DYS389I, DYS391, DYS481, DYS570, DYS635, DYS393, and DYS458). A substantially stronger discriminatory power of PPY23 compared to Yfiler was evident for these short haplotypes, mostly due to the higher diversity of PPY23-specific markers DYS576, DYS481, DYS570 and DYS635. In particular, DC and the number of different short haplotypes were nearly twice as high for IMP dehydrogenase PPY23 as for Yfiler whereas MP was more than 4-fold smaller (Table 3). At the continental level, by far the largest genetic distances were observed between the African meta-population and the other four groups (all RST > 0.2

for PPY23, p < 10−4). Genetic distances between non-African meta-populations were much smaller although still significant (p < 10−4). The smallest genetic distance was noted for North and Latin America (RST = 0.009 with PPY23; Table 4). Similarly, at the population level, pairs of African and non-African populations showed much larger genetic distances (with RST > 0.3 in some instances) than pairs of non-African populations or African populations ( Fig. 5, Table S6). Upon AMOVA, 85.1% of the overall PPY23 haplotype variation was within populations, 9.1% was among populations within meta-populations, defined according to continental residency, and 5.8% was among meta-populations (Table S7). With an increasing number of Y-STRs included in a marker set, the genetic distances between meta-populations decreased monotonical. However, the Yfiler panel was exceptional in this regard in that it yielded smaller distances than PPY23 for pairs of African and non-African meta-populations, but larger distances than PPY12 for pairs of non-African meta-populations (Table 4).

The individuals lay comfortably on a flat bed in a supine positio

The individuals lay comfortably on a flat bed in a supine position to record their breathing pattern and thoracoabdominal motion. One pillow was placed under the head and another under the knees. Oxygen saturation and pulse rate were registered. The QDC method was applied, and the individual remained in this position for about 30 min. The preoperative variables were collected no more than 7 days before surgery. The procedure was repeated in Group I at 1 and 6 months after surgery (approximately 4 days). The procedures

for the control group were the same as those used for the obese patients. However, their BMI was also verified to ensure inclusion criteria. The control group was analyzed only once. Data are reported as means ± standard deviation. A distribution analysis was performed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. To compare demographic, anthropometric and spirometric Selleck Adriamycin data between Group I

and Group II subjects, a Student’s t-test for unpaired samples was used when the distribution was considered normal and a Mann–Whitney U when the distribution was not normal. For BMI, breathing pattern and thoracoabdominal motion variables, comparisons between preoperative and postoperative (at 1 and 6 months after sugery) values were performed using a repeated measures ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test when the distribution was normal; the Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used when the distribution was not normal. The level of significance (α) was set at 0.05 (two-tailed) for all

tests. For variables analyzed LBH589 datasheet by ANOVA, the power of the results was also calculated ( Portney and Watkins, 2000). Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS 13.0, Chicago, IL, USA). Thirty-one individuals were selected for this study; nine of them had obesity grade II, and 22 exhibited obesity grade III. One patient with obesity grade III was excluded, due to complications during the anesthetic induction that interrupted the surgery. Therefore, 30 obese patients were studied. Thirty non-obese individuals matched for sex and age were selected as the control group. A total of 20885 respiratory Histamine H2 receptor cycles were analyzed, including 15693 cycles of obese patients (5495 preoperatively, 5036 one month after surgery and 5162 six months after surgery). Although 90 steady state traces were initially planned (3 on each of the 30 patients), only 81 were conducted. The missing traces included four traces discarded for exhibiting artifacts and excess irregularities, one trace not collected because of non-attendance at the 1-month-postoperative visit and four traces not collected because of non-attendance at the 6-month-postoperative visit). In the control group, 5192 cycles were analyzed. Table 1 shows the demographic, anthropometric and spirometric data of both groups. No significant differences were observed in age, sex, height, pulse rate or SaO2.