97 and r = 0 98, respectively) On average, each additional marke

97 and r = 0.98, respectively). On average, each additional marker generated 754 new different haplotypes (p = 0.005 from linear regression) and 888 new unique haplotypes (p = 0.003) in the overall sample. The proportion of unique haplotypes worldwide increased from 31.0% for MHT via 77.8% for Yfiler to 92.9% for PPY23 ( Table 2). Correspondingly, DC increased from 43.0% for MHT to 96.1% for PPY23 (r = 0.97). HD showed a similar trend (r = 0.81) whereas MP decreased rapidly with increasing marker number (r = −0.81). Similar trends were observed in the meta-populations defined according to both continental origin and ancestry

(Table S5). In summary, an increasing number of markers was

found to be associated with an almost linear increase of all forensic parameters used to discriminate among individuals. The forensic Selleck KU-55933 parameters selleck products were compared of Y-STRs that have amplicons shorter than 220 bp and that are included in Yfiler (DYS456, DYS389I, DYS458, DYS19, DYS393, DYS391, GATAH4, and DYS437) or PPY23 (DYS576, DYS389I, DYS391, DYS481, DYS570, DYS635, DYS393, and DYS458). A substantially stronger discriminatory power of PPY23 compared to Yfiler was evident for these short haplotypes, mostly due to the higher diversity of PPY23-specific markers DYS576, DYS481, DYS570 and DYS635. In particular, DC and the number of different short haplotypes were nearly twice as high for IMP dehydrogenase PPY23 as for Yfiler whereas MP was more than 4-fold smaller (Table 3). At the continental level, by far the largest genetic distances were observed between the African meta-population and the other four groups (all RST > 0.2

for PPY23, p < 10−4). Genetic distances between non-African meta-populations were much smaller although still significant (p < 10−4). The smallest genetic distance was noted for North and Latin America (RST = 0.009 with PPY23; Table 4). Similarly, at the population level, pairs of African and non-African populations showed much larger genetic distances (with RST > 0.3 in some instances) than pairs of non-African populations or African populations ( Fig. 5, Table S6). Upon AMOVA, 85.1% of the overall PPY23 haplotype variation was within populations, 9.1% was among populations within meta-populations, defined according to continental residency, and 5.8% was among meta-populations (Table S7). With an increasing number of Y-STRs included in a marker set, the genetic distances between meta-populations decreased monotonical. However, the Yfiler panel was exceptional in this regard in that it yielded smaller distances than PPY23 for pairs of African and non-African meta-populations, but larger distances than PPY12 for pairs of non-African meta-populations (Table 4).

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