These include neuregulin-1 ,27 dysbindin,28 disrupted in schizophrenia-1 (DISC-1)29 and many others (eg, rcelin, regulator of G protein signaling-4, catccholO-methyltransferase, mGluR3 glutamate receptor, and so on; see ref 8 for recent review). As we3 and others30 have pointed out (Figure 1.) these susceptibility gene products are found in a variety of cell types (both selleck bio neuronal and glial) and show differential subcellular localizations. As Figure I shows, the molecular targets identified are frequently found in circuits which are targeted by drugs with a “promiscuous” pharmacology (eg, clozapine). No single node
is an obvious target for therapeutic drug discovery efforts, although Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical nearly all of the identified nodes have been reported to be targets of therapeutic drug discovery (Roth and Conn, unpublished report). Figure 1 Schizophrenia susceptibility Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical genes are localized in overlapping neuronal pathways. Shown in diagrammatic form are the presumed localizations of various schizophrenia susceptibility gene products in a model synapse in the prefrontal cortex. As shown, a … Another
possibility is that schizophrenia, can be most effectively treated by influencing several nodes simultaneously.3 Indeed, based on the demonstrated superiority of clozapine for treatment-resistant Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical schizophrenia5 and the relative inferiority of all other medications,6 there is strong support for this hypothesis. A great deal of effort has been expended to discover an optimal clozapinemimetic devoid of the side effects of clozapine
which include agranulocytosis, seizures, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sialorrhea, weight gain, sedation, and hypotension. We, and others, have suggested that the massively parallel screening of large numbers of molecular targets allows one to efficiently discover Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical “toxic” vs “therapeutic” targets.32-34 Antipsychotic drug-induced weight gain might be due to H1 -neverless histamine and 5-HT7C-reccptor blockade,35,36 agranulocytosis to H4 histamine agonism,2 sedation to H1 histamine antagonism,4 and so on. Thus far, these molecular targets implicated in clozapine’s side effects (H1 -histamine, -histamine, 5-HT2C serotonin) are not identical with those targets thought to be involved in its superiority as an antipsychotic drug (5-HT2A Entinostat serotonin, D4-dopamine, 5HT6 and 5-HT7 serotonin). A problem with the approach of designing selectively nonselective drugs is that it is very difficult to rationally design in new pharmacological properties during the drug discovery process.24 This is an emerging paradigm, however, and some successful strategics have recently been elucidated.37 Table I. Multiple candidate nodes have been subjected to testing as targets for treating schizophrenia. This shows an abstracted analysis from a recent study’ examining the evidence for and against various molecular-target based approaches for treating schizophrenia …