on CMD, 25 days/25°C plus 23 days/15°C; c. on PDA, 23 days; d. on SNA, 35 days). e. Conidiation pustules (CMD, 53 days). f. Crystal on agar surface (interference contrast, CMD, 9 days). g–l. Conidiophores and phialides (9 days; g, i. on CMD; h, l. on SNA; j, k. Anamorph on natural substrate). m. Conidia (SNA, 16 days). a–m. All at 25°C except b. a, c, e, g–i, l, m. CBS 118980. b. CBS 118979. d, f. C.P.K. 944. j, k. WU 24044. Scale bars a–d = 10 mm.
e = 0.4 mm. f = 0.2 mm. g = 15 μm. h = 30 μm. i, k, m = 5 μm. j, l = 10 μm Stromata when PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor fresh 1–6(–8) diam, 0.5–2 mm high, gregarious or densely aggregated, PF-02341066 manufacturer typically in large numbers; pulvinate or semiglobose, less commonly discoid, broadly attached. Outline circular
or irregular. Margin free, white or concolorous. Surface finely tomentose to velutinous when young, becoming glabrous and smooth, often covered with a white crystalline powder in addition to white ascospore deposits. Ostiolar dots typically indistinct, but often becoming distinct with age, appearing as dark rings with light-coloured centres. Colour light (yellowish-, ochre- or reddish-)brown, 4A4, 5–6B5–6, 6–7D5–6, 7–8CD7–8, when young, turning to dull red, 8–9B4, or mostly dark brown to dark reddish brown, 9DE7–8, 8E6–8, 9F5–8. Stromata when dry (0.7–)1.5–3.5(–4.7) × (0.5–)1.2–3.0(–4.0) mm, (0.2–)0.5–1.0(–1.7) mm thick (n = 30), this website flatter than fresh, pulvinate or discoid. Surface velutinous when young; when mature finely verrucose, tubercular or wrinkled, glabrous, but
often covered with conspicuous water-insoluble, white powder. Ostiolar Dimethyl sulfoxide dots (24–)32–53(–63) μm (n = 30) wide, typically inconspicuous when young, due to colours similar to the surrounding stroma surface, more distinct and dark with age; ostioles after addition of water appearing as minute hyaline dots on a bright red stroma surface. Colour of young, velutinous stromata greyish orange, brown-orange, light, medium, yellow- or greyish brown, 5B4–6, 5CD3–8, 6CD4–6, 6E4–8, 7CD7–8, 5EF2–4, 6F4–5; mature stromata reddish-, violaceous- or dark brown, 9D7–8, 6–10EF5–8 or darker. No distinct colour change in 3% KOH noted. Stroma anatomy: Ostioles in section (42–)48–69(–77) μm long, plane or projecting to 16(–22) μm, (20–)22–45(–69) μm at the apex (n = 20), cylindrical, with an apical palisade of narrow hyaline hyphae terminating in distinctly clavate to subglobose cells to 6 μm wide. Perithecia (169–)200–230(–245) × (97–)110–160(–211) μm (n = 30), flask-shaped, subglobose in lateral regions. Peridium 8–13(–15) μm thick at the base, (14–)15–20(–22) μm at the apex (n = 15), yellowish- to reddish brown. Cortical layer (12–)15–22(–25) μm (n = 15) thick, reddish brown in water, orange-brown in lactic acid, with inhomogeneously disposed pigment; of small angular, thick-walled, glassy, compressed cells of indistinct outline, (3–)5–10(–11) μm diam in face view, 3–6(–7) μm diam (n = 15) in vertical section.