AUROC, area under the receiver operating characteristic; CHC, chr

AUROC, area under the receiver operating characteristic; CHC, chronic hepatitis C monoinfection; IQR/M, interquartile range/median; LSE, liver stiffness evaluation; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty

liver disease. Two populations with liver biopsy and LSE were included in the present study. The first population was composed of patients with chronic liver disease recruited in three French centers between 2004 and 2009 (Angers: n = 383; Bordeaux: n = 309; and Grenoble: n = 142). Patients included in the Angers and Bordeaux centers had various causes of chronic liver diseases, whereas those from Grenoble had CHC. CHC patients of the three centers (n = 467) have been included in previous studies.8, Y-27632 9 The second population was that of the multicenter ANRS/HC/EP23 Fibrostar study promoted by the French National Agency for Research in AIDS and Hepatitis.3 The patients included in both populations were identified and ultimately grouped as a single observation for statistical analyses. All patients gave written informed consent. The study protocol conformed to the ethical guidelines of the current Declaration of Helsinki and received approval from the local Ruxolitinib Ethics Committees. Liver

fibrosis was evaluated according to Metavir fibrosis (FM) staging. Significant fibrosis was defined as Metavir FM≥2, severe fibrosis as Metavir FM≥3, and cirrhosis as Metavir FM4. In the first population, histological evaluations were performed in each center by blinded senior pathologists specialized in hepatology. In the Fibrostar study, histological lesions were centrally evaluated by two senior experts with a consensus reading in cases of discordance. Fibrosis staging was considered as reliable when the liver specimen length was ≥15 mm and/or portal tract number ≥8.10 Precise definitions are provided in the Glossary in the Supporting Material. LSE by Fibroscan (Echosens, Paris, France) was performed with the M probe and by an experienced observer (>50 examinations

before the study), blinded for patient data. A time interval of ≤3 months between liver biopsy and LSE was considered acceptable for the purposes of the study. Examination conditions were those recommended this website by the manufacturer,11 with the objective of obtaining at least 10 valid measurements. Results were expressed as the median and the IQR (kPa) of all valid measurements. According to the usual definition, LSE was considered reliable when it included ≥10 valid measurements with a success rate ≥60% and IQR/M ≤0.30. LSE median was interpreted according to the diagnostic cutoffs published in previous studies. As CHC was the main cause of liver disease in our study population (68%), we tested the cutoffs published by Castera et al.12: ≥7.1 kPa for FM≥2 and ≥12.

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