provides powerful tools to select antigens from pathogens with large genomes, while systems biology offers novel approaches to understanding the complexity of immune responses after infection or vaccination [47], [48] and [49]. However, many Selleck Olaparib scientific barriers still need to be overcome. Raising awareness on the fact that STIs are a major global cause of acute illness, infertility, long-term disability and death with serious medical and psychological consequences of millions of men, women and infants is crucial. In this regard, the WHO initiative to convene a Technical Consultation on STI Vaccine Development and Implementation is an important step forward. The disease burden needs to be reviewed and evaluated, not only in terms of numbers of infection or mortality, but also in terms of number of complications and sequelae and of economic and psycho-social impact. This requires improving diagnosis of STIs and case-definition of complications, defining criteria for evaluation of psychological distress and social disruption caused by STIs. Epidemiological studies could help identify geographical variations Depsipeptide in vitro in incidence, prevalence, and strain circulation, and identify communities
at higher risk of STIs where clinical trials could be carried out. In parallel, building on the experience with HPV vaccine, the public health community could develop programs focusing on advocacy and education on STI prevention, approach public health authorities as well as funding agencies to prepare the introduction of STI vaccines in both developed and developing countries. Identifying what may constitute a protective immune response against STIs in humans is a key issue that requires further research. One approach could be the assessment of cohorts of patients with varying severity of symptoms and outcomes, which calls for improved methods in the diagnosis of subclinical
and clinical STIs. Blood and cell banks from these cohorts could be made available to the scientific community in order to study the mechanisms of pathology and define predictive markers 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl of outcomes and protection. Comparative studies of the pathogens and host factors, including immune responses from these different groups of patients would contribute to finding correlates of protection in humans. A recently published study [50] clearly identified a cohort of women who acquired immunity post chlamydia infection and further studies along this line could reveal important knowledge. Further research should also be conducted on the mechanisms of immune responses in relation with the specificity of the genital tract, integrating data on the microbiome and hormonal status [for a review, see the article by Brotman et al., in this issue [51].