These distances were scaled
to 2 Selleck ICG-001 dimensions using the multidimensional scaling function cmdscale in R [44] these dimensions being treated as x and y coordinates. The central coordinate in x and y space was calculated using the mean of all coordinates. R788 ic50 The Euclidian distance of each strain in the cluster to the centroid was calculated by Pythagorean mathematics using the x and y coordinates from the multiple dimensional scaling calculations. Sequencing Genomic DNA from pure bacterial cultures from each of the strains was sequenced using either 454 or Illumina technologies. The strains sequenced by 454 used the titanium chemistry in conjunction with 8 kb insert libraries. Those sequenced employing the Illumina technology used 50 bp read lengths in conjunction with either a paired end or mate-paired 3 kb insert library. Several strains were sequenced using both 454 and Illumina technologies (Table see more 3). Assembly The 454 sequences were assembled using the Newbler software (version 2.5) from Roche. Default parameters were used for assembly and scaffolding. The Illumina reads were assembled using Velvet version 1.1.05 [45]. The process was optimised using the velvet optimizer script from the Victorian Bioinformatics
Consortium ( with a kmer range of 33 to 47. The additional options -shortMatePaired2 yes -ins_length2 2500 -ins_length2_sd 500 were specified for reads from the
3 kb mate pair libraries. Contigs were joined into scaffolds using the SSPACE tool [46]. Mapping and SNP calling In order to discover SNPs using a single method for Illumina reads, 454 reads or Clomifene complete sequences from GenBank, short ‘Illumina-style’ reads were simulated from 454 assemblies and GenBank-derived genomes. This was achieved using the wgsim program from the Samtools package [47] with these parameters -e 0 -r 0 -N 3000000 -d 250–1 50–2 50. This resulted in two fastq files representing 3 million paired end reads of 50 bp with an insert size of 250 bp equivalent to the reads from the paired end libraries from the experimental Illumina sequences. Simulated or experimental Illumina reads from all strains was mapped to the genome sequence of the Corby strain using bowtie 0.12.7 [48] using the –m1 parameter to exclude reads that map in more than one place on the reference sequence and tend to cause false positives when calling SNPs. The Sequence Alignment Map from the Bowtie mapping was sorted and indexed using samtools to produce a Binary Alignment Map (BAM). Samtools mpileup was used to create a combined Variant Call Format (VCF) file using each of the BAM file. The VCF file was further parsed using a simple script to extract only SNP positions that were of the high quality in all of the genomes and write out these SNPs into a multiple FASTA format file.