Therefore, the morphology of Ag nanosheets shown in Figure 5c was similar to that of Ag nanosheets which were deposited at the higher reduction potential of −20 V. Figure 4 Controllable thickness
of Ag nanosheets. Top-view SEM images of Ag nanosheets grown at various deposition frequencies of (a) 1 Hz, (b) 10 Hz, and (c) 1 kHz for 120 min. (The insets denote the higher magnified cross-sectional SEM images of Ag nanosheets.). Figure 5 Morphological variations of Ag nanosheets. Top-view SEM images of Ag nanosheets grown in the electrolyte composed of 20 μM AgNO3 and 1.32 mM NH4OH for 120 min. Comparing the deposition condition (V R CDK inhibitor = 15 V, V O = 0.2 V, 100 Hz, and 3%) for the sample shown in Figure 1, the reduction potential (V R) was varied as (a) −10 and (b) −20 V, and the oxidation potential (V O) as (c) 0.05 and (d) 0.4 V, respectively. (The insets are magnified top-view SEM images.). Figure 6a shows a bright field (BF) TEM image of Ag find more nanosheet that was selected from the sample shown in Figure 1a. Ag nanosheet grew along the facetted nanowire, which agreed with the SEM observation. Figure 6b,c shows the fast Fourier transform (FFT) images acquired for the marked areas in Figure 6a. The
facetted Ag nanowire had a [−110]-longitudinal direction according to the FFT image of Figure 6c. In the FFT images shown in Figure 6b,c, the inner set of spots might originate from the 1/3422 MK5108 planes normally forbidden by an fcc crystal structure. The forbidden 1/3422 reflections were observed in the nanoplate morphology of Ag or Au due to the stacking faults extending parallel to the 111 planes through the entire nanoplates [9, 21, 22]. The outer spots Endonuclease were partially indexed to 220 Bragg reflections. The planar surfaces of Ag nanosheet were bounded by 111 planes and the edges were bounded by 112 planes. TEM analyses indicated that the Ag nanosheet was single crystal with 111 planar surfaces bounded by 112 edge planes. The FFT images of the facetted nanowire and the nanosheet showed the same
crystallographic direction. This indicated that the nanosheet grew coherently along the facet plane of the nanowire. The present results are similar to the previous results in that gold nanobelts and nanocombs, synthesized in the presence of various organic molecules or surfactants, had grown along the <110> and <211> directions because the mixed surfactants induced anisotropic growth by being adsorbed on specific crystal planes [23, 24]. In this study, the filamentary effect in the ultra-dilute concentration, as discussed in the previous work [20], might have induced the strong interface anisotropy needed for the anisotropic planar growth. As the ultra-dilute concentration of electrolyte could bring about a thick double layer between the deposit and the electrolyte [25], the slow transportation of Ag ions to the deposit was being controlled by the reduction potential to enable the facet growth to occur.