The GI included putative phage integrase genes (HPF16_0475

The GI included putative phage integrase genes (HPF16_0475 PD0332991 and HPF16_0476) that suggest the mobility of this region, and a DNA primase gene (HPF16_0468). The gene (HPF16_0469) next to the DNA primase gene had weak selleck sequence similarity to a putative phage helicase gene (ORF35 of bacteriophage phi3626, e-value 5e-5 by TBLASTN against phage nucleotide database), which can be assumed to be the primase-helicase system found in several bacteriophages such as T3, T4, T7 and P4 [50]. Recently, a partial Hac II prophage region was reported for another H. pylori strain [51]. The other four GIs in the other three strains had sequence similarity to TnPZs [48]. One GI in F57 was entirely homologous

to the type 1 TnPZ inserted into the coding region for a DNA methyltransferase Liproxstatin-1 cell line with 8-bp target duplication (5′ ACATTCTT) (Figure 6B). The GI in F32 appeared to have been deleted by a

type 2 TnPZ (Figure 7B). Among the Korean strains, a Type 2 TnPZ was observed only in strain 51. The plasmid in F32 (pHPF32) was similar in sequence to known theta replication plasmids with a RepB family (Rep_3 superfamily) replication protein and R3 iterons [52–54]. The plasmid in F30 (pHPF30) was similar to a group of previously characterized H. pylori plasmids such as pHel4 in H. pylori [52, 55]. This carries genes for microcin (7-aa peptide; MKLSYRN), MccB (microcin C7 biosynthesis protein), MccC (microcin C7 secretion protein), MobBCD (for plasmid mobilization), a replication initiator protein, and two relaxases. When compared to other related plasmids, a substitution in mobB and a deletion covering several small ORFs were seen.

Homologous plasmids are found in G27 (pHPG27 [56]), P12 (HPP12 [49]), and v225d [22]. HPAG1 [30], B8 [57], PeCan4 and Sat464 carry a similar plasmid without the MccBC genes. Insertion sequences (ISs) were searched for in the Japanese strains using GIB-IS [58]. An apparently intact known IS was detected in two strains: IS607 in F16; IS605 in F32. Divergence of genes between the East Asian (hspEAsia) and the European (hpEurope) strains We systematically examined the amino acid-based phylogenetic trees of Molecular motor the orthologous genes (gene families) common to the six hspEAsia genomes and the seven hpEurope genomes. Trees of 687 OGs were selected with genes of the hspEAsia strains forming a sub tree with no genes of the hpEurope strains and vice versa. Each of the orthologs was plotted according to two distance parameters: d a for the hspEAsia-hpEurope divergence and d b for intra-hspEAsia divergence (Figure 8A). An hspEAsia-hpEurope divergence greater than twice that of the well-defined core tree (d a *) was seen in 47 gene families (Table 5 and 6; genes of those orthologs in each strain are listed in Additional file 5 (= Table S4)). These genes were further divided by the intra-hspEAsia divergence (d b ) into zone 1 (lowest divergence), zone 2 (average divergence) and zone 3 (highest divergence) (Figure 8B).

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