In summary, several have h Frequently used cytostatics was shown that PXR Pgp-mediated induction and therefore activate the intracellular aVect Re accumulation and cytotoxic Ctivity of Pgp substrates. Individual PD0325901 PD325901 prime Ren cultures of tissue samples from patients with breast cancer provide an alternative model for the in vitro studies compared the use of immortalized breast cancer cell lines. Genetic drift and must be transferred to immortalize cell lines to the appropriate clinical use. A variety of previous surveys by enzymatic digestion of breast tissue so extract, normal and malignant epithelial breast cells and rzellen reported differing properties of the isolated primary. It was found that the culture of cells from solid tumors digested isolated protease involves the risk of the proliferation of fibroblasts or stromal cells, which require the following conditions selective culture.
Growth of breast cells prime Ren epithelial derived as human mammary epithelial cells and breast epithelial cells is known preferably stimulated in serum-free medium conditions, and makes glicht Selecting fibroblasts. The enzymatic and mechanical approach to cells isolated from breast tissue showed some mammary Brivanib stem / Preferences Shore cells in suspension culture. These mammary stem / Preferences Shore k cells can occur Be in multicellular aggregates mammospheres with a proliferative capacity T and self-renewal potential of differentiated progeny known produce. Thus, the different culture conditions of the mammospheres F Ability to differentiate into ductal, myoepithelial cells, and induce mammary alveolar cells. A plurality of markers, including normal morphology, growth characteristics, and cytokeratin specific antigen expression and metabolic Ver Changes w During maturation in HMEC and breast tumor cells in cultures first.
For a more general detection and characterization of malignant tumor cells in human tumors has solid cytopathological examination and measurement of Telomeraseaktivit T been proposed. Enzymatic digestion of the breast tumor tissue by proteases for various isolated cells and subcultured by trypsinization or non-specific proteolytic effects are k Can with intracellular Ren signaling mechanisms and cell cycle st Ren. Recent studies have shown that breast tissue cell adhesion architecture Fusion proteins, in particular E-and P-cadherin, which requires .
Moreover Adh Sion molecules, such as integrins and transmembrane their interaction with the cytoskeleton of normal cells and breast cancer are essential and the epithelial cells are very sensitive to Ver Changes in the extracellular Ren matrix. This suggests, however, that induce the enzymatic degradation of parts of that network abolish sensitive ECM signaling pathways or to transfer some aberrant clear signal in the tumor tissue of the breast. Tats Chlich previous studies have shown that the detection and function of certain marker proteins HBCEC features and short-term cultures of tumor tissue of origin is not w While l Through prolonged culture was kept limited.