It can be possible to suppress such exchange effects by addition of acid [24], but this is chemically invasive and risks sample degradation. Where magnetization exchange is mediated by the NOE, on the other hand, no general
suppression method has been reported [21]. It is possible to suppress the effects of exchange (whether chemical or by cross-relaxation) on DOSY experiments in the special case where exchange with only a single species X (e.g. water) is concerned. If the initial excitation has a notch at the X frequency, then Apitolisib cost X magnetization is not encoded and therefore exchange with it does not lead to refocused signal at the end of a DOSY experiment. This approach has been used for determining protein NH exchange rates [25], but is not general. In the specific case that one of the exchanging spin pools is immobile, it is also possible to use a T2 filter to suppress the effects of exchange [26]. In principle, a general solution to the problem of exchange is to use not the stimulated echo but the
spin echo (SE). Here the magnetization remains transverse throughout the experiment. Because the phases of spins with different selleck Larmor frequencies evolve at different rates, magnetization exchange (whether by chemical exchange or cross-relaxation) does not result in net magnetization transfer: exchange is incoherent, with spins exchanging at different times having different phases, and leads simply to signal loss. Thus a simple pulsed field gradient spin echo experiment would be expected to yield correct diffusion coefficients for species with different frequencies, even in the presence of exchange; the effects of the latter will only survive for chemical shift differences between Megestrol Acetate exchange partners of the order of the inverse of the echo time or less. Unfortunately, for realistic diffusion times (of the order of tenths of a second), such experiments show severe J-modulation. Not only does this
complicate the interpretation of spectra, it greatly increases signal overlap (because of the dispersion mode tails of signals) and thus degrades the accuracy of the diffusion data obtained [16]. The classic way to suppress J-modulation of spin echoes is to use the Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) experiment [27], [28], [29] and [30], in which a train of spin echoes is performed, with a short echo time 2τ of the order of the inverse of the chemical shift difference between the coupled spins. Unfortunately this requires a high radiofrequency pulse duty cycle, causing sample heating and risking convection (anathema to diffusion experiments), and in any case the rapid pulsing would restore the unwanted effects of chemical exchange and cross-relaxation (here the rotating frame Overhauser effect, ROE, as opposed to the NOE in STE experiments).