In conclusion, solid
stemmed wheat cultivars with relatively thin stems and large spikes could be used as parents for crossing in wheat breeding programs. In wheat, stem solidness is controlled by a single chromosome region on chromosome 3BL and two SSR markers, Xgwm247 and Xgwm340, could be used in wheat breeding for selecting solid stemmed individuals with lodging resistance. We thank Dr. Zhengqing Li and Dr. TSA HDAC mouse Hongfei Lue, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for technical assistance. This study was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2011CB100302) and the Knowledge Innovation Program of CAS (KSCX2-EW-N-02). “
“Aphids are major agricultural pests which cause significant yield losses in crop plants each year by inflicting damage both through the direct effects of feeding and by vectoring harmful plant viruses [1] and [2]. Annual worldwide crop losses due to aphids are estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars [3] and [4]. Ibrutinib cost Along with the application of nitrogen fertilizer and elevation
of atmospheric CO2 concentration, aphid infestation becomes more serious [5] and [6]. For many crops, insecticides provide a simple strategy for aphid control. However, the application of chemicals is not desirable because of the development of insecticide resistance and pollution of the environment [7]. Transgenic crops engineered for enhanced resistance to aphids could be an efficient alternative strategy. Some plant lectins, including Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and Pinellia ternate agglutinin (PTA), are toxic to aphids in transgenic plants [8] and [9]. However, GNA caused adverse effects in the food chain of predatory ladybirds and the
parasitoid Aphidius ervi via aphids [10] and [11]; for example, when aphids were fed on GNA transgenic wheat, the GNA ingested by aphids and transported into the honeydew negatively affected the survival of parasitoid A. ervi consuming the honeydew [11], resulting in concerns relating second to biosafety issues for application of these lectin genes in agriculturally important crops for aphid control. Therefore, other safe and effective genes/genetic strategies for aphid control need to be found. Aphids are attacked by a wide range of predators and parasitoids, which strongly influence the growth and persistence of aphid colonies [1]. When attacked by a predator, aphids secrete cornicle droplets containing an alarm pheromone. The sesquiterpene EβF is the predominant and sometimes only component of most aphid alarm pheromones [12], [13] and [14]. EβF is detected by their nearby conspecifics and triggers various escape behavioral reactions, such as dropping off the plant, or flying or walking away [15].