In 61 patients, time between last visit and death exceeded 3 years. We cannot determine whether the exclusion of these patients has significantly altered the results. The retrospective design of this study results in some limitations. In a few included patients (n = 25) only 1 reliable VF was available, mainly because the initial VF already showed an advanced visual field defect and therefore those eyes were not retested, or because the patient died shortly after the diagnosis. In all those cases the VF showed a typical glaucomatous defect and the optic disk description was in agreement with the VF appearance. We chose to analyze the rates of low vision and
blindness in all included patients (n = 592). In more than 70% (n = 423) of our study population we had access to patient age, visual acuity, and visual fields as of the time of diagnosis (Data at Diagnosis group), making it possible SNS-032 clinical trial to calculate the cumulative incidence of blindness from glaucoma in this group only. We had access to the exact date of death, but set the date of blindness to the date of the visit when a patient satisfied blindness criteria. Therefore the time to blindness could have been somewhat overestimated, particularly for patients who had missed many consecutive visits during follow-up. However, the latter was the case
for only 2 unilaterally Akt inhibitor review blind patients. The proportions of patients with low vision and blindness were similar in the 2 groups, however, with 18.9% bilaterally blind patients in the Follow-up Only group vs 15.4% bilaterally blind patients
in the Data at Diagnosis group. This makes us believe that the results can be generalized for the catchment area, and perhaps to northern Europe. The study population contained predominantly white subjects. Therefore the results cannot be generalized to other science populations with different ethnicity. In most Western countries approximately 50% of all glaucoma patients are unaware of their disease,17, 18 and 19 and hence many glaucoma patients die unaware of their disease. In Malmö later stages of visual field loss were considerably more common in clinically diagnosed patients than in glaucoma patients identified through population screening.20 It must be considered likely that most glaucoma patients with advanced disease leading to blindness or low vision will seek medical help. Because of these factors, the risks of impairment given here are valid for diagnosed glaucoma patients only; the risk of blindness including undiagnosed patients must be considerably smaller. To our knowledge, there are only 3 published studies analyzing lifetime blindness from OAG. A Finnish study performed by Forsman and associates8 showed results similar to ours but with a smaller sample size. In this study 12% of patients with manifest glaucoma were blind from glaucoma at the time of the last visit, a result that is comparable to ours.