Immunomodulation of the ΔlamA ΔlamR mutant was also substantially

The ΔlamA ΔlamR mutant induced significantly higher IL-10/IL-12 ratios Fulvestrant cell line (adj. These effects were partially dependent on the growth-phase of the L. plantarum cells. IL-10/IL-12 ratios and IL-10 amounts induced by wild-type and mutant cells were significantly different when exponential phase cultures were used in the PBMC assay, whereas IL-10 and IL-12 amounts also differed when stationary-phase cells

were examined (Figure 2, 3, 4 and Table 3). Figure 4 Boxplots of IL-10/IL-12 amounts produced by PBMCs in response to L. plantarum learn more wild-type and mutant cells. 2Log transformed IL-10/IL -12 ratios induced by exponential and stationary phase L. plantarum cells are shown. The dots indicate the median value, the boxes indicate first

and third quartile, and the whiskers extend to outlying data points for a total of 12 measurements (3 PBMC donors were measured using 4 replicate cultures of each L. plantarum strain). Table 3 Relative differences in cytokine amounts between L. plantarum WCFS1 wild-type and deletion mutants.     IL-10c IL-12 IL-10/IL-12 Mutant comparison a Growth phase b value p-value adj. p- value value p-value adj. p- value value p-value adj. p- value lp_1953 log 0.097 0.461 0.830 -0.041 0.775 0.825 0.138 0.161 0.803   stat 0.253 0.057 0.228 -0.043 0.761 0.825 0.296 0.003 0.024 * pts19ADCBR log 0.164 0.216 0.647 0.106 0.458 0.825 0.058 0.556 0.923   stat 0.396 0.004 0.031 * -0.131 0.371 0.825 0.529 0.000 0.000 *** plnEFI log 0.287 0.031 0.176 0.032 0.825 0.825 0.255 0.010 0.071   stat 0.344

0.010 0.071 0.174 0.225 0.825 0.170 0.084 0.507 plnG log 0.280 0.035 0.176 -0.070 0.625 0.825 0.350 0.000 0.005 **   stat -0.028 0.830 0.830 -0.146 0.307 0.825 0.118 0.230 0.921 lamA lamR log 0.511 0.000 0.001 *** 0.199 0.165 0.825 0.312 0.002 0.016 *   stat 1.331 0.000 0.000 *** 1.321 0.000 0.000 *** 0.009 0.923 0.923 a L. plantarum WCFS1 deletion mutant measured in the PBMC assay. b Phase of growth from which L. C-X-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CXCR-7) plantarum cells were harvested (log = exponential phase; stat = stationary phase). c The value is the average difference in 2Log cytokine amounts induced by wild-type L. plantarum and mutant cells harvested in the same phase of growth (log or stat). A positive value indicates an increase in IL-10 levels produced by PBMCs in response to mutant L. plantarum compared to the wild-type cells. Calculations of t-test p-values and adjusted (adj.) p-values are described in the text (Materials and Methods). * (0.01 < p < 0.05); ** (0.002 < p < 0.01); *** (p < 0.002) for the adj. p-values. In agreement with the gene trait matching correlations, the Δpst19ADCBR mutant induced significantly higher amounts of IL-10 than wild-type L.

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