However, below the mixed layer, vertical temperature advection by TIWs is supposed to cause significant cooling. To provide better insight into the seasonality of TIWs and their impact on the seasonal cycle, we investigated the seasonal amplitude-locking of TIWs in three-dimensional space and their feedback Imatinib buy to the climatological climate states. In particular, the long-term averaged climatological features of a TIW will reveal how strictly the activities of TIWs are modulated by the seasonal cycle. In Section 2, the data utilized in this study are introduced. Section 3 discusses the seasonality of a TIW obtained from the long-term averaged climatological mean and addresses to what extent a TIW is seasonally amplitude-locked and what its main features are.
The relative features between the barotropic and baroclinic energy conversions of a TIW are also provided in this same section. The feedback of TIWs to the mean state through eddy heat flux is presented in Section 4. Summary and concluding remarks are given in Section 5. 2. DataBecause of their small spatial and temporal scales, studies involving TIWs require high-resolution data. Because fine-resolution three-dimensional observational data are scarce, modeling offers a promising alternative to perform such an investigation. In this study, we used five-day mean ocean currents, temperature, and density obtained from the ocean general circulation model.The numerical simulations analyzed in this study are part of the Drakkar hierarchy of global configurations [16] and are detailed in the simulation by [17].
The model configuration used in this study was built from the ��Nucleus for European Modeling of the Ocean�� ocean/sea-ice numerical framework (NEMO v3.2, [18]), comprising the ocean model formerly known as Drug_discovery OPA, coupled to the Louvain-la-Neuve sea-ice model (LIM) [19]. This ocean general circulation model (OGCM) has been extensively validated in the uncoupled mode [20�C22] and coupled mode [23] in the tropical Pacific where it succeeds in reproducing the basin-wide structures of currents, sea level, and temperature and accurately simulates equatorial dynamics.The configuration used in this study (known as ORCA025) employs a tripolar, quasi-isotropic grid with a nominal resolution of 1/4�� (i.e., cell size ~25km in the tropics). Forty-six vertical levels were used, with ten levels in the upper 100m and 250m resolution for depth.