Here, we discuss cyclin F function and recently identified substrates of SCFcyclin (F) involved in deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate
(dNTP) production, centrosome duplication, and spindle formation. We highlight the relevance of cyclin F in controlling genome stability through ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis and the implications for cancer development.”
“Generation and isolation of recombinant herpesviruses Daporinad by traditional homologous recombination methods can be a tedious, time-consuming process. Therefore, a novel stoplight recombination selection method was developed that facilitated rapid identification and purification of recombinant viruses expressing fusions of immunological epitopes with EGFP. This “”traffic-light”" approach provided a visual indication of the presence and purity of recombinant HSV-1 isolates by producing three identifying signals: (1) red fluorescence indicates non-recombinant viruses that should be avoided; (2) yellow fluorescence indicates cells co-infected with non-recombinant and recombinant viruses that are chosen with caution; (3) green fluorescence indicates pure
recombinant isolates and to proceed with preparation of viral stocks. Adaptability of this system was demonstrated by creating three recombinant viruses that expressed model immunological epitopes. Diagnostic PCR established that the fluorescent stoplight indicators were effective at differentiating between the presence of background virus contamination and pure recombinant viruses specifying immunological epitopes. This enabled isolation of pure recombinant viral stocks that Proteases inhibitor exhibited wildtype-like viral replication and this website cell-to-cell spread following three rounds
of plaque purification. Expression of specific immunological epitopes was confirmed by western analysis, and the utility of these viruses for examining host immune responses to HSV-1 was determined by a functional T cell assay. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Research interests regarding the psychopharmacology of salvinorin A have been motivated by the recreational use and widespread media focus on the hallucinogenic plant, Salvia divinorum. Additionally, kappa opioid (KOP) receptor ligands may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of some neuropsychiatric conditions, including drug dependence and mood disorders. Salvinorin A is a selective KOP agonist, but only a few studies have explored the discriminative stimulus effects of this compound.
This study compared the discriminative stimulus effects of salvinorin A and two synthetic derivatives of salvinorin B to the KOP agonists, U69,593 and U50,488.
Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats trained to discriminate U69,593 (0.13 mg/kg, s.c., N = or U50,488 (3.0 mg/kg, i.p., N =
under a fixed-ratio 20 schedule of food reinforcement were administered substitution tests with salvinorin A (0.125-3.0 mg/kg, i.p.).