For example, of the 34 patients in the MONET trial with virologic

For example, of the 34 patients in the MONET trial with virological failure by the TLOVR algorithm, only eight (24%) had confirmed elevations of HIV RNA > 400 copies/mL, none developed phenotypic resistance to PIs and 24 (71%) had HIV RNA levels < 50 copies/mL at the end of the trial (week 144). Use of an ITT (switches not considered failures) endpoint can help to evaluate the long-term consequences of viral rebound [20]; these may differ between drug classes which have different potency or genetic barriers to the emergence of drug selleckchem resistance

[21, 22]. In addition to concerns over low-level virological rebound during PI monotherapy, there has been concern over the potential for HIV replication in the central nervous system (CNS). A recent review of the evidence has not shown an increased risk for CNS virological failure or neurocognitive impairment during treatment with PI monotherapy [23]. However, larger, long-term trials of PI monotherapy are in progress, with dedicated substudies to examine this issue in more detail [24]. In summary, in this randomized study of patients with HIV RNA < 50 copies/mL on stable antiretroviral treatment and with no history of virological

failure, DRV/r monotherapy showed noninferior efficacy to DRV/r + 2NRTIs in the ITT (switches not considered failures) analysis, but not in the primary TLOVR switch equals failure analysis. No phenotypic resistance

to PIs developed in either treatment arm. As shown in the MONET trial, the benefits of DRV/r monotherapy are a simplified treatment with a single boosted PI, which avoids the adverse events, costs and potential drug resistance associated with the use of other drug classes. There appears to be a slightly higher risk of elevations in HIV RNA for patients taking DRV/r monotherapy. However, these patients could be successfully resuppressed, with HIV RNA returning < 50 copies/mL, either by continuation of the DRV/r monotherapy or by intensification with NRTIs. Erastin We thank the investigators, study coordinators, site and data managers and the patients for their contributions. J.R.A. is an investigator from the Programa de Intensificacio’n de la Actividad Investigadora en el SNS (I3SNS) 2008, INT07/147. “
“Men diagnosed with rectal gonorrhoea (GC) and chlamydia (CT) have engaged in unprotected receptive anal intercourse. We reviewed the HIV positivity and HIV viral loads (VLs) of men who had rectal GC and CT testing to evaluate potential HIV acquisition and transmission risk. Rectal GC and CT testing data for men attending the Maricopa County STD clinic during the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2013 were cross-matched with HIV surveillance data to identify men with HIV coinfection. We examined HIV status, HIV diagnosis date, and the values of VL collected nearest to the date of reported rectal infection.

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