Belinostat PX105684 Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program.

FFP and Kryopr zipitat Abnormalities of coagulation tests and clinical coagulopathy. H Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 186. 2007,2007:179 0653 Prognostic significance of Leberfunktionsst Changes in sepsis DR Salgado, D. Douek, MS Santino, GA Martins, J. Oliveira, GG Gouvea, C. Naurath, JC Verdeal intensive care unit of H Pital Dor Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  <a href=””>Belinostat PX105684</a> INTRODUCTION Multiple organ failure is the main reason of mortality in sepsis. Leberfunktionsst Changes can be caused by sepsis, and tr Gt to a poorer outcome. Our objective was to evaluate the prognostic significance of Leberfunktionsst Requirements by assessing the Sequential Organ Failure (SOFA score in patients with sepsis at admission evaluated on the intensive care unit assessed. METHODS.<br> Retrospective observational study in an intensive care unit of 24 rooms of h Private tertiary Ren Pital January 2007 to July 2007. We have requirements  <a href=””>Danusertib 827318-97-8</a> to us for patients with C 18y diagnosis of sepsis, according to the criteria ACCP / SCCM (1992 admission to the ICU. data were recovered from the database intensive care unit. Leberfunktionsst as the presence of liver-C 1 SOFA score may need during the first days in intensive care has been defined. Univariate analysis was used to determine differences, mortality in ICU acute, respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS incidence of mechanical ventilation, H hemodialysis and was hemotransfusion in patients without Leberfunktionsst tion. multivariate regression analysis used to determine this, the impact of the individual components of patient SOFA score of mortality in intensive care.<br> A value of p. RESULTS. In the period 775 patients were admitted to the intensive care unit and 236 (30.5% presented a septic tank premium on the price of admission. Leberfunktionsst changes was 11.9% in the first few days in the ICU. with Leberfunktionsst changes an hour here SOFA score at admission total (8 vs. 3, p \ 0.001, over developed ARDS had (46.4% vs. 19.7%, p0.002, need more H hemodialysis (50% vs. 20.2%, and p0.001 hemotransfusion (42.9% vs. 19, 2%, p0.005 and had an hour here ICUmortality rate (39.3% vs. 16.8%, p0.005 changes than those without Leberfunktionsst. However, the multivariate regression analysis showed that liver (OR 1.8 [ 95% CI, 0.66 4.87], and h dermatological (OR 1.62 [95% CI, 0.68 3.<br>83] variables in the first ICU days included SOFA score were not independent of one another with the mortality associated to the intensive care unit. CONCLUSION. Leberfunktionsst was requirements for admission to the ICU in patients with sepsis with an h higher mortality and organ failure takeover by univariate analysis of dysfunction. Still associated liver, assessed by the SOFA score was not associated fa is independent ngig mortality t in the ICU through a multivariate regression analysis. Acknowledgments GRANT. This study of institutional money funds. was 0654, the use of hypothermia after cardiac arrest CROATIA I. Gornik1, e. Lukic2, G. Madz  arac2, Peklic1 M ., V. gas  parovic  1Department of ICM, the h Pital Rebro Universit t, 2Medical School, University of t Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia INTRODUCTION.<br> m for take-therapeutic hypothermia (MTH has been shown to survive and neurological outcome komat at sen surviving the spontaneous circulation recovering after cardiac arrest, although evidence is in support of the method greatly improved and it is the revival of policies, the implementation of this method is still low. According occurred recently published published shall have, 87 % of doctors and 76% of German intensive care units, not the method. In this survey, we studied the implementation of the current MTH in Croatia. METHODS. A questionnaire was created and formed the basis for a structured interview. A list of all h Croatian hos usern from the Croatian Ministry of obtaining health care. All h h usern were by phone or pers were contacted Personal visits and interviews in December 2007 carried out. RESULTS.<br> There are 24 hours hos hauses and generally 8:00 h usern at a university t, we conducted the interview in all but two. In these 30 hours hos usern there are 33 intensive care patients receive, after a cardiac arrest. mixed. OP 15 / medical, 11 coronary care units and 7 units of general medical ICU only 9 ICUs used MTH% as a standard method in all of the Clock h usern Universit t infusions ice packs and ice cooling methods in all three combined. Among those who do not plan to use the method 10%, start, and l runs fast, 7% are not aware of the way, say 20% is to maintain technically too difficult, that 7% even in common expensive and ben 7% term more evidence of effectiveness. Most intensive care units (48% was no reason not to use the method. CONCLUSION.<br> to start Can also be used in planning the intensive care unit MTH after cardiac arrest, it, s the reaction in is too low. The reasons for the abandonment of the proposed lack of knowledge and a national program to rdern f the process k and its advantages nnte the best way to improve if the implementation in the near future. REFERENCE (S. 1 JP Nolan et al. Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. an explanation tion of the Board develop life-support patches Force of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Resuscitation 2003.57 (3. induced 231 May 2 BS Abella et al hypothermia after resuscitation from cardiac arrest underutilized: a survey of current practice …. Resuscit

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