Additionally, the relation between WM processing and gF was also

Additionally, the relation between WM processing and gF was also mediated by the three factors with much of the relation being accounted for by AC. Overall, these results suggest that although WM storage and WM processing make independent contributions to gF, both of these contributions are accounted for by variation in capacity, AC, and SM. To explore the shared and unique contribution of each latent factor with gF further, we utilized variance partitioning methods that have been used previously (e.g., Chuah and Maybery, 1999 and Cowan et al., 2005). Variance partitioning attempts to allocate the overall R2 of a particular

criterion variable (here gF) into portions that are shared and unique to a set of predictor variables MAPK inhibitor (here capacity, SM, and AC). Note, because only capacity, SM, and AC accounted for unique variance they were included in the variance portioning analyses. WM storage and WM processing did not account for unique variance, and thus

were not included. A series of regression analyses was carried out to obtain R2 values from different combinations of the predictor variables in order to partition the variance. For each variable entering into the regression, the latent correlations from the previous confirmatory factor analysis (i.e., Measurement Model 5) were used. As shown in Fig. 7, the results suggested that a total of 78% of the variance in gF was accounted for by the three constructs. Of this variance, 38% was shared by all three of the constructs (capacity, AC, and SM), whereas the remaining 40% was accounted for by both unique and shared variance across the three constructs. Specifically, both capacity and AC accounted for a small portion of unique variance, but they accounted for 9% shared variance. almost Secondary memory accounted for a large portion of unique variance (17%), but also shared 7% with AC. Thus, all three factors are needed to account for variation in gF. The final set of analyses utilized cluster analytic techniques to determine if subgroups of participants were present in the data based on differences in the three component processes. Specifically, it is possible that some

participants have limitations in the number of items that can maintained (capacity), while others have limitations in terms of the ability to control attention and prevent distractors from gaining access to WM (attention control), and still others may have limitations in the ability to retrieve items from SM and bring them into primary memory (controlled retrieval from secondary memory). In order to examine the possibility of subgroups of participants who have specific deficits in one process, rather than global deficits manifested on all processes cluster analysis was used. Cluster analysis is a tool used to determine group membership by minimizing within group differences and maximizing between group differences (Everitt et al., 2001 and Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 2005).

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