, it is, EGF, HB EGF or TGF, which are expressed in astrocytes and thus be involved in k Nnte. Further studies on m Possible effects of dexmedetomidine, ben by the drug itself or by an agonist of the EGF astrocytically on different <a href=”http://www.selleckbio.com/a66-S2636.html”>A66</a> types of neurons at different developmental stages and under different conditions VER Mediated published CONFIRMS, determine better the effects of direct or indirect effects on the neurons. Acknowledgements This study was supported by Grant No. 30370451 and 30670651 is not the National Natural Science Foundation of China.We thank Ms. Yang Xiaolin support for his valuable technical assistance. Conflict of interest The authors give no competing interests.<br> Introduction The skin and serve other epithelial cells not only blocked S physical barriers <a href=”http://www.jazdlifesciences.com/pharmatech/company/Selleckbio/GSK1904529A.htm?supplierId=30010147&productId=1135319″>GSK1904529A</a> against infection, but can also mount an innate immune response by producing antimicrobial peptides to eliminate invading microbes. AMPs are widely effector molecules of innate immune response against insects and are distributed to the people against a broad spectrum of gram positive and gram-negative and some fungi and enveloped viruses, including normal HIV-1 active. The r The importance of SAP for the antimicrobial defenses of the skin and other epithelial sites is made clear, susceptibility to infection of epithelial M Confess mice with a Gardens AMP genes by erh Hte reqs. Conversely, overexpression of SAP leads to an increased Hten resistance to microbial infections on epithelial sites confinement, Lich the skin.<br> The r The SAP for the defense of the h It is suggested in the human skin is also characterized by studies of two large en human skin diseases due to defective skin barrier, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Patients with atopic dermatitis are much anf With lliger for infections of the skin, psoriasis patients. This difference was associated with high expression of SAP in psoriasis compared with atopic dermatitis. Many studies have focused on the FA Which is the infection leads to induction of expression of SAP in the skin. But despite the big number of potential infectious en Sen microbes encountered by humans, the infection is manifested a rare event. It can be established in dependence Dependence of SAP in the innate immune system not only to thwart infection or early, but also to infections from developi Change to prevent in the first place.<br> To avoid infections, the innate immune system must sense ICJ-risk situations And erm Matched the Generation of SAP. Such a situation would be the danger of injury, the physical barrier of the normal intact skin protection against microbes rt confess. Although wounded are often associated with the simultaneous introduction of microbes, also provides a sterile wound an entry site for the subsequent Grade infection. Tats Chlich the wound was found sterile in order to induce the expression of SAP in Drosophila through unknown mechanisms. In this study we examined the expression of SAP in human skin after sterile injury and found that SAP was induced transactivation of the EGFR. Transactivation of EGFR is closely associated with reepithelialization of skin wounds in normal wound healing.<br> In addition, we found that the antibacterial activity of t of the epidermis by activation of the EGFR increased Was ht and that the concentrations of SAP in the epidermis of the skin on which wounded, the antimicrobial activity of t. Sun Abwehrkr injured mechanisms active forces The h In the epidermis, which is beautiful Harmful prevent microbial colonization and infection. Results to determine whether s