(a) Photocurrent density-voltage characteristics
of NF- and HNF-based ssDSC measured under one sun illumination. IPCE spectra of the above-mentioned cells are given in the inset. (b) UV–vis absorption check details spectra of the amount of dye desorbed from the respective photoanodes. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements are further performed to elucidate the enhancement of V oc in the HNF cell. Figure 5a depicts the Nyquist plots of the two cells under open circuit voltage condition. The line connecting the first selleck compound semicircle at higher frequencies and the semicircle at intermediate frequencies denote the charge transport resistance within the TiO2 film. By fitting the EIS spectra using the transmission line model of DSC [28, 29], it is observed that the resistance to transport of charge within plain nanofiber is higher because the Tucidinostat charge has to encounter more number of grain boundaries as each nanofiber is composed of several nanofibrils. Whereas in the case of HNF cell, each nanofiber is covered with single crystalline nanorods in which the transport of electron is less inhibited. Since the nanofiber acts as a seeding layer for the growth of nanorods and the nanorods grow at the expense of the nanofiber, the nanofiber is reduced in size leading to less number of defects (as in Figure 3c). The second semicircle at the intermediate frequencies in the Nyquist plot denotes the charge recombination resistance
between TiO2 and HTM layer. It is observed that the semicircle of HNF cell is larger than the semicircle of the NF cell, implying that the HNF cell exhibited higher resistance to charge recombination
as compared to that of NF cell. The plot of charge recombination resistance (Rct) vs. chemical capacitance (Cμ) is shown in Figure 5b. It was reported that this approach provides information analogous to that obtained from the approach of comparing lifetimes or dark current at constant charge density [30]. So at a particular Cμ which is a measure of density of states at quasi-Fermi level, Rct of HNF is higher than the Rct of NF (Figure Tangeritin 5b). This indicates that the HNF exhibited higher resistance to recombination of injected charge with holes in spiro-OMeTAD. As a result of the higher charge recombination resistance, HNF cell exhibited higher V oc. The densely populated nanorods with higher dye loading provide greater screening between the injected electrons in TiO2 film and holes in HTM, thereby suppressing the recombination of electrons at the TiO2 and spiro-OMeTAD interface [31]. In the case of NF-based cell, the pores between the nanofibers are big and the dye coverage is relatively lower, ensuing the recombination of electron hole pair at TiO2/spiro-OMeTAD. This is also supported by the delayed onset of dark current in the case of HNF-based DSC, which is suggestive of the good blocking property of HNF (as seen in Figure 4a).