A low level of serum IgA was detectable in these mice (228·0 ± 33

A low level of serum IgA was detectable in these mice (228·0 ± 33·89, n = 5 for wt, 9·220 ± 4·548, n = 5 for αΔtail+/+) (Fig. 3a, right). In addition, the production of secretory IgA transported into digestive

secretions was very low and was maintained at around 1·7 μg/ml in the jejunum fluid (1·7 ± 0·6 μg/ml, n = 5) instead of 1058 ± 163·1 μg/ml in wt mice (n = 5) (Fig. 3b, right). By contrast IgM levels in digestive secretions were significantly higher in homozygous mutant animals than in the wt controls (2·380 ± 0·7415 μg/ml, for αΔtail+/+ mice and 0·6800 ± 0·2024 μg/ml for wt) (Fig. 3b, left). Serum IgG levels were normal in homozygous mutant animals (Fig. 3a). To determine the dimeric and monomeric forms of IgA, immunoglobulins circulating in serum were separated by non-reducing SDS–PAGE. Monomeric IgA demonstrated single bands at a molecular weight of 150 000  whereas dimeric forms in samples showed buy 5-Fluoracil bands at 360 000 (Fig. 3c, up). To test whether the dimeric IgA assembled correctly

with endogenous mouse J-chain, we performed immunoprecipitation of J-chain from serum, followed by immunodetection using an anti-mouse IgA. In mutant mice, IgA was immunoprecipitated with anti J-chain (Fig. 3c, bottom), and indicated that few circulating IgA can dimerize and bind the J-chain. We evaluated the amount of IgA-producing cells generated in vitro during a short-term culture independent of both antigen stimulation and BCR selleck signalling. Splenocytes were stimulated with LPS and TGF-β for 4 days. Supernatants were then harvested and analysed for IgA content by isotype-specific ELISA. As we expected, IgA secretion

was altered in LPS/TGF-β (33·2 ± 3·9 μg/ml, DCLK1 n = 5, instead of 260·9 ± 83·68 μg/ml, n = 5 for wt) (Fig. 4a). Secretion of IgG2b, IgG3 and IgM was normal, as expected (data not shown). To test class switching in vitro, we used molecular markers for CSR from the μ-chain to the α-chain: α-germline transcripts (Iα-Cα), production of which is a prerequisite for CSR, and Iμ-Cα transcripts that are expressed from the IgH locus after μ-chain to α-chain switching; we quantified those transcripts after 3 days of in vitro stimulation. The results showed that IgA CSR occurred in such conditions (Fig. 4b). Cell cytometry revealed fewer B cells expressing mIgA in Peyer’s patches (Fig. 5a,b). We also evaluated IgA plasma cells in lymphoid tissues. Hence, tissues were analysed by immunofluorescence for the presence of intracellular immunoglobulin, showing that fewer IgA-positive plasma cells were present in the lamina propria of mutant animals than in wt mice (Fig. 6). By contrast, the global amount of plasma cells infiltrating the lamina propria along the intestinal crypts did not appear to be affected in mutant mice when MALT tissues were examined by immunofluorescence with anti-κ-chain antibodies (Fig. 6b). No global difference was observed either when tissues were analysed by immunohistochemistry with anti-CD138 and anti-B220 antibodies (Fig.

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