Figure 4 shows that copper produced a significant increase in membrane polarization in MT + P WT cells in respect to values of MT WT cells or pitApitB and ppx mutants in both media. When distillated water was added as a control, no changes in membrane polarization were observed (not shown). These data supported additional evidence indicating that metal-phosphate complexes
can be removed from cells via Pit system after copper-dependent polyP BIBF 1120 clinical trial degradation. Figure 4 Membrane potential in stationary phase cells exposed to copper. 48 h MT or MT + P cells of the indicated strains were resuspended in T buffer and diluted in 5 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.5 to an OD560nm = 0.1. Fluorescence as Arbitrary Units (AU) was measured after addition of the specific dye DisC3[5]. After dye stabilization 0.1 mM Cu2+ was added. ΔΨCu was the difference between the fluorescence value after 5 min incubation with Cu2+ (ΔΨf) and initial stabilization value (ΔΨi). Data are expressed as average ± SD of seven AZD8186 datasheet independent find more experiments.
Different letters indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test with a p-value of 0.05. Cu2+ tolerance of exponential phase cells As shown above, polyP degradation and Pit system are involved in copper tolerance in stationary phase only in MT + P cells. Thus, we tested whether this detoxification mechanism is also feasible in exponential phase. During this phase, not only WT cells but also ppx − and ppk − ppx − mutants were tolerant to 0.5 mM Cu2+ even in MT (Figure 5A-C). PolyP degradation and Pi release were induced by copper exposure in WT cells grown in both media (Figures 6 and 7). These results are consistent Orotic acid with the presence of high intracellular polymer levels in WT cells at 6 h of growth, independently of media Pi concentration (Table 1). However, copper resistance of polyP metabolism lacking strains, indicates that another system is involved in Cu2+ tolerance during exponential phase. The involvement of CopA, a central component in E. coli
copper detoxification during exponential phase [16], was evaluated in our experimental conditions using copA − , copA − ppk − ppx − , copA − ppx − strains. copA − cells were as resistant to copper as WT, while copAppkppx and copAppx mutants were highly sensitive to copper exposure (Figures 5D-F). As in WT, polyP degradation and Pi efflux occurred upon copper exposure in the copA − background (Figures 6 and 7). Together, in order to tolerate copper in exponential phase, polyP-Pit system could be active to safeguard CopA absence or vice versa. Figure 5 Copper tolerance in exponential phase cells. Copper tolerance of 6 h MT or MT + P growing cells of the indicated strains (panels A-F) was determined after one-hour exposure with different copper concentrations. Serial dilutions of cells incubated without copper (control) or treated cultures were spotted in LB-agar plates. Data are representative of at least four independent experiments.