9, p < < 0 001, Spearman rank correlation, Figure S2A) Important

9, p < < 0.001, Spearman rank correlation, Figure S2A). Importantly, these observations held true when correlations were examined for

individual animals (Figure S2B). Thus, the overall reduction in correlated noise among MSTd neurons was a robust finding in trained animals. It is possible that the difference in correlated noise between naive and trained animals could be an indirect effect of training on the response properties of individual neurons. Moreover, training-related changes in correlated noise might emerge in parallel with changes in the heading sensitivity of single neurons. To address these issues, we examined the effect of training on the time courses of firing rates and response variability. As illustrated in Figures 3A and 3C, the time course of the population-average response to the preferred heading was indistinguishable between trained and naive animals (p = 0.8, permutation test, C59 see Experimental Procedures). There was also no significant effect (p = 0.5, permutation test) of training on the time course of the Fano factor, which measures the ratio of response variance to mean response (Figures 3B and 3D, see also Experimental Procedures and Figure S3). This finding contrasts with a previous report that Fano factor in area V4 was significantly reduced after animals were trained to discriminate orientation (Raiguel et al., 2006). In

MSTd, the difference in noise correlation between naive and trained animals does not appear to be linked to changes in firing rates or Fano

factors. We further explored whether training shaped the tuning properties of individual MSTd neurons. Selleck MAPK Inhibitor Library For this analysis, we only included neurons with significant heading tuning in the horizontal plane (p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA). To gain statistical power, we exploited a much larger database of single-unit responses from naive and trained animals, recorded with a single electrode (vestibular: n = 556; visual: n = 992). As shown in Figures 4A and 4E, distributions of tuning width (full width at half-height) were very similar for naive and trained animals. There was no significant difference in median tuning width for the visual condition (naive: 124.5° versus trained: 126°, p = 0.21, Wilcoxon Histone demethylase rank- sum test). The difference in median tuning width was significant for the vestibular condition (naive: 121° versus trained: 131°, p = 0.045). However, this effect was weak and, notably, training slightly increased tuning width in the vestibular condition, an effect opposite to that expected if training increases discriminability (e.g., Yang and Maunsell, 2004). Similarly, as shown in Figures 4B and 4F, training did not have any significant effect on the distribution of tuning curve amplitudes in either the visual condition (naive: 35.4 spks/s versus trained: 31.8 spks/s, p = 0.24, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) or the vestibular condition (naive: 17.4 spks/s versus trained: 17.2 spks/s, p = 0.36).

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