4%) whereas majority of Selleckchem CHIR-258 females were of 51-60-year-old category (44%), followed by more than 60-year-old group (36%). All in all, 93.5% males and
96% of females were more than 50 years old. Out of 158 patients in this study, 7.6% patients had a positive family history. Dietary history of intake salted, fermented fish was present in 67.7% of patients, whereas history of consumption of smoked Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical meat was found in 77.8% of patients. Only 27.8% of patients in our study had history of regular consumption of fresh fruits. About 35.4% of the patients had poor drinking water source. Nearly, 67.6% of males and 44% of females had smoking history. Male to female ratio of smoking was 3.3:1. History of alcohol consumption Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was present in 55.5% of male and 10% of female cases. Combined
consumption of alcohol and smoking was present in 33.5% of patients. Vague abdominal discomfort was the most common presenting symptom in 61.4% of patients followed by weight loss (59.5%), nausea (39.9%), early satiety and poor appetite (34.8%), vomiting (20.9%), dysphagia (18.4%) and melaena (15.8%) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Figure 1). About 25.3% of patients presented with abdominal lump, 55.5% of patients with tumour at cardia had history of dyphagia, 62.3% of patients with tumour in antro-pyloric region had history of weight loss, and 84.2% of patients had multiple presenting symptoms (Table 1). Pallor was noted in 48.7% of patients at presentation, 53/108 males (49.07%) and 24/50 females (48%). Most common site Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of gastric cancer in our study was antrum
(50.6%) followed by cardia (17.1%), body (13.9%), pylorus (13.3%) and fundus (2.5%). The most common site of tumour in both males and females was antrum, 57.4% and 36% respectively. The second most common site was cardia (17.6%) in males and body of the stomach (22%) in females. The most common Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical histological type was adenocarcinoma (95.6%) followed by squamous cell carcinoma (3.2%). About 44.3% of the tumours were poorly differentiated, 35.8% moderately differentiated and 19.6% well differentiated (Table 2). Majority of the patients were of T3 stage (53.2%) at presentation followed by T2 (23.4%), T4 (15.8%) and T1 (7.6%). Idoxuridine Likewise, N2 nodal staging was leading with 35.4% followed by N0 (27.8%), N1 (20.3%) and N3 (16.5%). Overall 37.3% of patients had distant metastasis at the time of presentation. Liver was the most common site of metastasis found in 17.1% patients followed by left supraclavicular lymph node (7.6%), peritoneal meatastais (7%) and multiple metastases (5.1%). Majority of the patients in our study were found to have locoregional disease at presentation (62.7%); of these early gastric cancers was found in 7.6% patients (Figure 2). Figure 1 Common symptoms in gastric cancer patients. Table 1 Symptoms with respect to location of tumour Table 2 Demographic and Clinico-pathologic characteristics of patients with gastric cancer Figure 2 Frequency of overall staging.