). 3 Results Ninety-eight patients were screened and randomized into the study. Two patients were excluded from the data cleaning because their control visits (T1 and T2) were missing and, therefore, no efficacy data were Citarinostat available. The final database consisted of 96 patients (11 males and 85 females) with a mean age of 53.2 ± 14.1 years (range 20–83). All patients had a diagnosis of chronic cervicobrachial
pain; of those, 51 patients were treated with the combination of ALA/SOD in addition to physiotherapy, while the other 45 patients had physiotherapy alone (Table 1). Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients Total, n = 96 ALA/SOD + physiotherapy, n = 51 Physiotherapy alone, n = 45 Males/females 11/85 6/45 5/40 Age [years] 53.2 ± 14.1 (20–83) 52.7 ± 13.7 (20–81) 53.8 ± 14.6 (20–83) Weight [kg] 67.3 ± 12.1 (47–100) 69.3 ± 13.4 (47–100) 65.1 ± 10.2 (48–95) Height [cm] 161.3 ± 7.4 (147–180) 160.9 ± 7.5 (148–180) 161.7 ± 7.3 (147–180) BMI [kg/m2] 25.8 ± 4.4 (16.1–35.2) Emricasan molecular weight 26.6 ± 4.7 (16.1–35.2)
24.9 ± 3.9 (16.9–34.2) Occupation Housewife 45 (46.9 %) 26 (51.0 %) 19 (42.2 %) Pensioner 10 (10.4 %) 7 (13.7 %) 3 (6.7 %) Employer 5 (5.2 %) 1 (2.0 % 4 (8.9 %) Other 36 (37.5 %) 17 (33.3 %) 19 (42.2 %) Diagnosis Cervicobrachial pain 93 (96.9 %) 51 (100 %) 42 (93.3 %) Bilateral 46 (49.5 %) 28 (54.9 %) 18 (42.9 %) Right side 16 (17.2 %) 3 (5.9 %) 13 (31.0 %) Left side 13 (14.0 %) 7 (13.7 %) 6 (14.3 %)
Unknown 18 (19.3 %) 13 (25.5 %) 5 (11.8 %) Cervical arthrosis 1 – 1 Cervical muscle tension 1 PRKD3 – 1 Cervicalgia 1 – 1 The results are reported as means ± standard deviations with minimum–maximum ranges in parentheses, or as absolute and relative frequencies, as appropriate. No Androgen Receptor pathway Antagonists statistically significant difference was observed between the groups ALA α-lipoic acid, BMI body mass index, SOD superoxide dismutase The most frequently prescribed types of physiotherapy in the medical history were diadynamic, carbon dioxide laser, ionophoresis, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), massage therapy, and functional rehabilitation. Details are reported in Table 2.