1) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d x_2\rm d t = \mu c_2 – \mu u x_2 -

1) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d x_2\rm d t = \mu c_2 – \mu \nu x_2 – \alpha c_2 x_2 – 2 \xi x_2^2 – \xi x_2 x_4 + 2\beta x_4 + \beta x_6 , $$ (4.2) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d x_4\rm d t = \alpha x_2 c_2 + \xi x_2^2 – \beta x_4 – \alpha c_2 x_4 – \xi x_2 x_4 + \beta x_6 , $$ (4.3) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d x_6\rm d t = \alpha x_4 c_2 + \xi x_2 x_4 – \beta x_6 , $$ (4.4) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm

d y_2\rm d t = \mu c_2 – \mu \nu y_2 – \alpha c_2 y_2 – 2 \xi y_2^2 – \xi y_2 y_4 + 2\beta y_4 + \beta y_6 , $$ (4.5) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d y_4\rm d t = \alpha y_2 c_2 + \xi y_2^2 – \beta y_4 – \alpha c_2 y_4 – \xi y_2 y_4 + \beta y_6 , $$ (4.6) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d

y_6\rm d t = \alpha y_4 c_2 + \xi y_2 y_4 – \beta y_6 . $$ (4.7) To analyse the symmetry-breaking in the system we transform the dependent coordinates this website from x 2, x 4, x 6, y 2, y 4, y 6 to total concentrations z, w, u and relative chiralities θ, ϕ, ψ according to $$ \beginarrayrclcrclcrcl x_2 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 z (1 + \theta) , & \quad\quad & x_4 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 w (1 + \phi) , & \quad\quad & x_6 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 BIBF 1120 purchase u (1 + \psi) , \\[12pt] y_2 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 z (1 – \theta) , & \quad\quad & y_4 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 w (1 – \phi) , & \quad\quad & y_6 &=& \displaystyle\frac12 C-X-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CXCR-7) u (1 – \psi) . \endarray $$ (4.8) We now separate the governing equations for the total concentrations of dimers (c, z), tetramers (w) and hexamers (u) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d c\rm d t = – 2 \mu c + \mu \nu z – \alpha c z – \alpha c w , $$ (4.9) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d z\rm d t = 2\mu c – \mu \nu z – \alpha c z – \xi z^2 (1+\theta^2) – \frac12

z w (1+\theta\phi) + \beta u + 2 \beta w , $$ (4.10) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d w\rm d t = \alpha c z + \frac12 \xi z^2 (1+\theta^2) – \beta w + \beta u – \alpha c w – \frac12 \xi z w (1+\theta\phi) , $$ (4.11) $$\displaystyle\frac\rm d u\rm d t = \alpha c w + \frac12 \xi z w (1+\theta\phi) – \beta u , $$ (4.12)from those for the chiralities $$\https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MLN8237.html displaystyle \frac\rm d \psi\rm d t = \frac\alpha c wu (\phi-\psi) + \frac\xi z w2u ( \theta+\phi-\psi-\psi\phi\theta ) $$ (4.13) $$ \displaystyle \frac\rm d \phi\rm d t = \frac\alpha c z w (\theta-\phi) + \frac\xi z^22w ( 2\theta -\phi-\phi\theta^2) + \frac\beta uw (\psi-\phi) – \frac12 \xi z \theta (1-\phi^2) , $$ (4.14) $$\beginarrayrll\displaystyle \frac\rm d \theta\rm d t &=& -\frac2\mu c \thetaz – \xi z \theta(1-\theta^2) – \frac12 \xi w \phi (1-\theta^2) + \frac\beta u\psiz – \frac\beta u \thetaz \\&& + \frac2\beta w\phiz – \frac2\beta w \thetaz .\endarray $$ (4.

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