One in the line of such optimistic expectations is that related to the implementation of highly compact gas-liquid contactors utilizing nonselective porous membranes as replacement for structured packings in distillation
applications, which, as demonstrated in this paper, looks to be technically unfounded. (c) 2010 Elsevier GSK621 mouse B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Establishing connectivity via fish movements among restored estuaries is important for maintaining community structure, but data on the degree to which animals efficiently move among estuaries are limited. To test estuarine connectivity potential, we translocated 5 species of juvenile predatory fishes between 2 discrete estuaries approximately 10 km apart, and using passive acoustic telemetry, measured their ability to home back to their estuary of capture. Individuals from all species except Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (spotted sand bass) moved between
the sites after translocation. Feeding guild and associated foraging behavior were found to greatly influence a species’ connectivity potential, with estuarine resident ambush predators moving between sites less frequently compared to roving forager marine migrant predators. Time spent moving between sites was not significantly Selleckchem NU7026 different among species, and 67% of homing fish completed the transit in smaller than 3 d. Fish showed no preference for one site over the other and returned to each site equally.
Stable isotope analysis revealed that the availability of food (as indicated by diets) in each restored estuary could have affected Mustelus californicus (gray smoothhound) habitat use. Roving forager juvenile predatory fishes displayed high connectivity over a large scale, which suggests that newly restored estuaries should attract these species quickly. However, long-term use may depend on environmental conditions and succession of the prey community.”
“Functional organization units of the cerebral cortex exist over a wide range of spatial scales, from local circuits to entire cortical areas. In the last decades, Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor scale-space representations of neuroimaging data suited to probe the multi-scale nature of cortical functional organization have been introduced and methodologically elaborated. For this purpose, responses are statistically detected over a range of spatial scales using a family of Gaussian filters, with small filters being related to fine and large filtersto coarse spatial scales. The goal of the present study was to investigate the degree of variability of fMRI-response patterns over a broad range of observation scales. To this aim, the same fMRI data set obtained from 18 subjects during a visuomotor task was analyzed with a range of filters from 4- to 16-mm full width at half-maximum (FWHM). We found substantial observation-scale-related variability.