“”Old persons”" were evaluated differently in the various life domains, and age thresholds for ascriptions of being old differed between domains. Furthermore, the positivity of domain-specific age stereotypes of a person predicted individual life satisfaction for the respective life domain. The strength of the relationship between age stereotypes and life satisfaction increased with participants’ age.
Discussion. Our results indicate the existence of domain-specific age stereotypes that become internalized into older persons’ self-views.”
“High-efficiency Selleckchem PSI-7977 prefractionation of complex protein mixtures is critical for top-down proteomics, i.e., the analysis of intact proteins by
M S. Free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) can be used for IEF to separate proteins within a pH gradient according to their pIs. In an FFE system, this separation is performed entirely in the VX-765 order liquid phase, without the need for particulate
chromatographic media, gels, or membranes. Herein, we demonstrated the compatibility of IEF-FFE with ESI-Fourier transform ICR MS (ESI-FTICR-MS) for top-down experiments. We demonstrated that IEF-FFE of intact proteins were highly reproducible between FFE instruments, between laboratories, and between analyses. Applying native (0.2% hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose) IEF-FFE to an enzyme resulted in no decrease in enzyme activity; applying either native or denaturing (8 M urea) IEF-FFE to a four-protein mixture with different pIs resulted in isolation of each protein into separate fractions in a 96-well plate. After desalting, each protein was sequenced by top-down MS/MS. As an application of this technique, either chicken erythrocyte histone H2A-IV and its major modified forms were enriched by IEF-FFE. Top-down analysis revealed Lys-5 to be a major acetylation site, in addition to N-terminal acetylation.”
“Regulatory regions with similar transcriptional output often have little overt sequence similarity, both within and between genomes. Although cis- and trans-regulatory changes can contribute to sequence divergence without dramatically altering gene expression outputs, heterologous DNA often functions similarly in organisms that share little regulatory sequence similarities
(e.g. human DNA in fish), indicating that trans-regulatory mechanisms tend to diverge more slowly and can accommodate a variety of cis-regulatory configurations. This capacity to ‘tinker’ with regulatory DNA probably relates to the complexity, robustness and evolvability of regulatory systems, but cause-and-effect relationships among evolutionary processes and properties of regulatory systems remain a topic of debate. The challenge of understanding the concrete mechanisms underlying cis-regulatory evolution-including the conservation of function without the conservation of sequence-relates to the challenge of understanding the function of regulatory systems in general. Currently, we are largely unable to recognize functionally similar regulatory DNA.