(A) DNA: effect of NaCl (0 to 500 mM), Imu3 concentrations 0 3, 0

(A) DNA: effect of NaCl (0 to 500 mM), Imu3 concentrations 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2 μg. (B) DNA: effect of temperature (10-min incubation), Imu3 additions 0.0625 to 1.0 μg (two fold increase/step). (C) DNA: effect of Mg2+ ions, Imu3 concentrations 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2 μg. (D) RNA: Imu3 additions 0.312 to 10 μg (two fold concentration increase/step). (A, B, C, D) M: λ/PstI DNA marker; C: control (pUC19/EcoRI alone). Furthermore, thermal denaturation curves (A260) showed a stabilising

effect of Imu3 on the linear double-stranded DNA molecule. The melting temperature (determined graphically) of DNA alone was 73°C, which increased by 3°C (Tm = 76°C) when an aliquot PFT�� cell line of 0.3 μg Imu3 was added in the EMSA studies. The DNA melting temperature was further raised by an additional 13°C

(Tm = 89°C) when a 1 μg aliquot of Imu3 was added. This concentration of Imu3 saturated the DNA, and the melting curve revealed a two-phase thermal transition. One transition showed a stabilisation effect (89°C), whereas the other transition (at 63°C) was shown to be destabilising (in terms of thermal stability), most probably due to partial DNA precipitation (Figure  5). Figure 5 Thermal denaturation curves of 100 ng pUC19/ Eco RI DNA. DNA alone (solid click here line); DNA with Imu3 at 0.3 μg (dashed line) and 1.0 μg (dotted line). Signal of Imu3 alone was subtracted where necessary, and all curves were normalised. The arrows indicate the Tm values. Minimal DNA length for Imu3 binding Binding of short DNA fragments to Imu3 occupied all

its free DNA binding sites, and therefore prevented subsequent binding of Imu3 to indicator DNA (EcoRI linearised pUC19). RNA Synthesis inhibitor These EMSA tests showed that free Imu3 starts to bind to oligonucleotides longer than 11 base pairs, observed as the reappearance of unbound indicator DNA (absence of precipitation). These results indicate that 11 base pairs is the minimal DNA length required for Imu3 binding (Figure  6). Figure 6 Electromobility shift assay with short DNA fragments on 0.8% agarose gel. pUC19, plasmid alone; pUC19 + I, plasmid with Imu3 protein. Lane numbers Selleckchem KU55933 correspond to number of bases in single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides used (i.e. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 bases long). Lanes 6-15, after incubation of Imu3 and corresponding oligonucleotide, 100 ng linear pUC19/EcoRI DNA (target) was added. M: λ/PstI marker. EMSA tests with short double stranded DNA fragments (re-annealed oligonucleotides) were also performed however, the results were inconclusive since we repeatedly observed the recurring effect of unbound Imu3 that re-/dis-appeared every 3-5 nucleotides of the oligonucleotide length; however, the underlying basis of this phenomena is unclear. Separation of Imu3 from DNA and subsequent DNA integrity analysis Separation of the DNA-Imu3 complex, was examined under different conditions.

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