Furthermore, of the remaining adult 43 cases without known glomerular diseases, 9 patients having estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 at the time of the biopsy were excluded because of the probability of renal functional compensation, leaving 34 patients (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 A flow diagram of patients considered for inclusion. Of the 990 Japanese patients with persistent urine abnormalities, such as proteinuria, who underwent a renal biopsy at our institute from 1995 through KU-57788 purchase 2000, we excluded
947 patients with known primary or secondary glomerular diseases. Furthermore, of the remaining adult 43 cases, 9 patients having estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 at the time of the biopsy were excluded because of the probability of renal functional compensation, leaving 34 patients. * Minimal change nephrotic syndrome, FGS presenting with nephrotic syndrome and IgA nephropathy,
membranous nephropathy, poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative p38 MAPK inhibitor review nephritis, lupus nephritis, anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody nephritis, monoclonal Ig-deposition disease and other glomerulonephritis accompanied by Ig deposits, diabetic nephropathy, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-related nephritis, amyloid nephropathy, pre-eclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension, thin basement membrane disease O-methylated flavonoid and Alport’s syndrome Pathological investigation All tissue samples were collected by percutaneous needle biopsy. An 18-gauge biopsy needle was used for all biopsy
cases in this study. After the tissue was embedded in paraffin, it was finely sliced into 3–4 μm sections. Hematoxylin–eosin staining, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) staining, Masson-trichromium staining and periodic acid–methenamine silver (PAM) staining were performed. We evaluated the presence or absence of exhibiting global glomerulosclerosis, segmental glomerulosclerosis, cellular crescents, fibrocellular crescents, fibrous crescents or tuft adhesion. We also evaluated the presence or absence of an increased mesangial matrix. We semiquantified and evaluated the interstitial fibrosis and the extent of tubular atrophy according to the proportion of the total cortical area exhibiting fibrosis, and scored them as follows: 0, none; 1+, 1–25 %; 2+, 26–50 % and 3+, ≥50 %. We scored and evaluated the intimal hyalinization of the arterioles and intimal thickness of the interlobular arteries as follows: 0, no lesions; 1+, mild; 2+, moderate and 3+, severe.