Follow-up data are being collected to assess the value of these interventions to patients. 1. Ashburn, M.A., and Staats, P.S. Management of chronic pain. Lancet 1999; 353: 1865–1869. 2. Chelminski, P.R. et al. A primary care, Multi-disciplinary disease management program for opioid-treated patients with chronic non-cancer pain and a high burden of psychiatric comorbidity. BMC Health
Services Research 2005; 5: 3–15. Michael J Twigg, Debi Bhattacharya, James Desborough, David Wright Univerisity of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, UK To test the feasibility and recruitment rate BGJ398 in vivo to a diabetes drop-in clinic conducted by community pharmacists. Thirty-three participants were recruited with follow-up questionnaire completion at 79%. The study demonstrated little change in the questionnaire measures apart from community pharmacy utilisation. This service was both feasible and acceptable to both participants I-BET-762 chemical structure and pharmacists and the research team will progress to a full pilot study with the information gained. Preparatory work has shown that there may be a role for the pharmacist in addressing
sub-optimal treatment adherence or dose titration of prescribed medicines in patients with type 2 diabetes1. Focus group research has identified that patients are receptive towards pharmacists becoming involved in their care providing there is validation of such an intervention from the primary care Fluorometholone Acetate team2. This may consist of an integrated community pharmacy service rather than one that is stand-alone. This study aimed to test the feasibility and recruitment rate of patients to a community pharmacy service which utilised medical practice referral. NHS ethical approval was obtained. Five pharmacies and three medical practices were recruited in Norfolk. Poorly controlled
patients, as defined by a national GP incentive scheme, were invited by the medical practice to participate via a posted letter. One four-hour clinic, where participants were able to ‘drop-in’, was conducted in each pharmacy every week for four to six weeks and a second pharmacist was present to support the dispensary activities. Participants completed a pre-clinic questionnaire which contained three validated tools for assessing satisfaction with, and beliefs about, medicines and adherence along with questions regarding pharmacy use. This questionnaire was repeated three months later by post. The subsequent pharmacist consultation, informed by the pre-consultation questionnaire encompassed all aspects of care e.g. health promotion or medication review as per participant need. Post consultation participants completed a feedback questionnaire. Pharmacists attended a de-brief interview with a researcher following the final clinic, which were analysed using content analysis. Thirty-three patients (9.