The most common programs for generation of structures use either

The most common programs for generation of structures use either a metric matrix distance geometry algorithm or constrained least square minimization in torsion angle space. By repeating the calculations, several structures will be generated that agree with the experimental Procaspase activation data. Provided a sufficient number of constrains are used, a family of structures which closely agree will be obtained from many passes. The structures generated by such procedures are generally of relatively high energy, and merely serve as initial estimates of the protein fold. It is then necessary to subject these structures to constrained molecular dynamics calculations. This involves

the simultaneous solution of the classical equations of motion for all atoms in the system for several hundred picoseconds with the NMR distance constraints incorporated as effective potentials in the total energy function. The power of the method lies in its ability to overcome local energy barriers and reliably locate the global minimum region. In general,

it significantly improves the agreement between the structural model and the experimental data. An informative picture of the resulting family of molecules can now be displayed using molecular graphics software. An important feature of NMR-derived structures is that some regions of the protein will be less defined than others. This is a consequence of the non-uniform distribution of NMR constraints ROCK inhibitor within the molecule and reflects the molecular motions taking place in solution. There are two crucial questions regarding structures determined by NMR, namely, how unique are they and how accurately they have been determined. It is thus essential to analyze the derived structures and examine the degree of convergence. If the set converges well and all experimental constraints are satisfied, then they can be said to represent a realistic and accurate

picture of the solution structure. A more rigorous assessment of NMR derived structures can be made from the application of back calculation methods. Back calculation involves simulating the NOESY spectrum from the calculated Parvulin molecular structure and using the result to compare with the experimental NOESY spectrum. This process serves to check the quality of the structure and it is also an integral part of the refinement strategy. In the commonly used procedure NOEs are converted into rough upper distance limits in order to allow for the effects of internal motion and diffusion of magnetization signals, as well as experimental uncertainty. The final structures thus fit the upper distance limits rather the true experimental values. Back calculation involves using the calculated structure in conjunction with a simple model for the dynamic behavior of the atoms in the molecule in order to simulate its NOESY spectrum. However, the method is currently rather imprecise.

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