Ideally, the concept paper is developed by a small group consisti

Ideally, the concept paper is developed by a small group consisting of members of the Ministry of Health and external experts, and is then submitted to a large number of experts for discussion and consensus during a national workshop. At this stage, SIVAC mainly provides technical support by helping with the

development of the concept paper. Based on the final version of the concept paper, the national authorities develop the legal documents related to the establishment of the NITAG, and sign an agreement with SIVAC this website that clearly defines the type of support that SIVAC will provide to the country. Once the NITAG is legally established in the country, the next steps are to appoint the committee members, identify specific agenda topics, organize formal committee meetings, develop recommendations, and have recommendations adopted by the

Ministry of Health. The key elements for rapid implementation of a NITAG are the availability of national experts in immunization, a strong willingness by the national authorities to support the NITAG process, a country-driven process, a collaborative approach that involves international partners, and an extensive national consultation process to reach consensus. SIVAC mainly provides support to the country by reinforcing the scientific and Ion Channel Ligand Library datasheet technical capacities of the NITAG’s secretariat. Detailed support activities provided by SIVAC are tailored to the country, and are established annually in consultation with the NITAG. These activities can include organizing a visit to a well-established NITAG, hiring a national consultant to prepare background documents in areas where the secretariat is weak, briefing on specific issues, participating in the analysis, or other activities. The expected duration of SIVAC support to a country ranges from 2 to 3 years, but

this may vary from country to country, keeping in mind that support should be consistent with long-term sustainability. SIVAC also continuously monitors the NITAG’s progress and adjusts its support on as-needed basis. At the end of SIVAC’s assistance, a comprehensive evaluation on the Fossariinae NITAG’s development and implementation is conducted. Recently, several NITAGs have been established in GAVI-eligible and middle-income countries but many of these committees have limitations in implementation and have requested support for improvement. These countries have asked SIVAC and partners to help them to strengthen their functioning (e.g., organization of the NITAG, selection of members, or management of possible competing interests) or to respond to specific technical issues (e.g., lack of expertise in some area or insufficient technical data to reach decisions).

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