In literature, specific causes of prostate cancer were not mentioned but the possible factors could be: age, genetics, lifestyle, and other factors. The
prostate cancer is uncommon in men in their 40s and becomes more common in their 70s. In United States, the African men are having high risk of developing prostate cancer than European men due to genetic factor,3 and 4 though the mortality rate remains controversial.5 and 6 The primary objective of any microarray data is to obtain differentially expressed genes in different conditions. In the present study, microarray data was used for identifying differentially expressed genes that distinguish
the tumor-groups of African–American and European–American men and to obtain biological see more information based on differentially Stem Cells inhibitor expressed genes. For this, a simple and meaningful approach of moderated t-statistic was used, 7 on both normalized dataset and simulated datasets that were generated based on univariate simulation at gene level, in order to detect the true significant genes that can separate African–American and European–American prostate tumors. The prostate cancer study contains 89 human samples, of which, 34 were African–American prostate tumor samples, 35 were European–American prostate tumor samples Thymidine kinase and 20 were cancer-free samples. The processed data, multi-array suite (MAS) expressions, were downloaded from ArrayExpress using Exp ID: E-GEOD-6956. All these samples were hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip
HG-U133A 2.0 arrays, with 22,283 probe sets. The intensity data requires an appropriate transformation and normalization. The data was log transformed and normalized with the median centering. The median absolute deviation scaling was also performed across samples in order to reduce the variation across samples. The moderated t-statistics was used on the normalized data to detect the differentially expressed genes between gene expressions inhibitors profiles of 34 African–American and 35 European–American patients. In the present analysis, the p- value of moderated t-statistics was chosen to be δ0 = (0.05 > 0.1 × 10−5) and univariate simulated data was generated, nearly, 100 times. In each simulated data, the moderated t-statistics were obtained the significant genes at p-value threshold to detect the true significant genes. The univariate simulation procedure is given in detail in the following section. The univariate normal distribution is determined by two parameters: mean and standard deviation.