Table 3 Number and

percentage of subtypes of intracallosa

Table 3 Number and

percentage of subtypes of intracallosal NADPH-d+ neurons Table 4 Number and percentage of subtypes of intracallosal NADPH-d+ neurons close to blood vessels Results Distribution of NO-producing neurons To improve the visualization of cc boundaries, avoiding confusion with the overlying noncallosal white matter, the two sections adjacent to those reacted for NADPHHi or NOSIcc were processed for CO activity and counterstained with neutral red. Different levels of CO activity were observed that peaked in the cerebral Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cortex with a dark brown reaction; its intensity diminished in the direction of the underlying white matter, where CO activity was very low (Fig. ​(Fig.1).1). As CO activity was even lower in the cc, comparison

of sections stained for COHI with adjacent sections counterstained with neutral red made it possible to define and reconstruct, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with the help of the camera lucida, the cc boundaries and to compare them with those of the atlas Paxinos and Watson (1982). Figure 1 Comparison of cc borders defined by CO activity and those defined by neutral red counterstaining. (A–C) Anterior and posterior part of the rat cc (same mediolateral level). Neutral red counterstaining. (B–D) CO reaction, section adjacent … In all rat brains, numerous cc neurons were positive for NADPH-dHi or Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical NOSIcc. They were abundant along the rostrocaudal dimension of the cc but showed regional variations along its lateromedial extension. As shown in Figures ​Figures33 and Figure ​Figure4A,4A, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical NADPH-d+/NOSIP neurons were numerous in the lateral regions and progressively diminished in the medial cc, where they were very few or absent (Figs. ​(Figs.33 and Fig. ​Fig.4B–B′,4B–B′, D). Figure 3 Distribution of nNOS-immunopositive (nNOSIP) neurons in the rat corpus callosum from lateral to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical medial. Stereotaxic coordinates according to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1982)

on bottom left side. Calibration bar: 1 mm Figure 4 Low-power photomicrographs showing the distribution of NADPH-d+ neurons at different mediolateral levels of the rat corpus callosum. (A) Low-power photomicrograph showing many NADPH-d+ neurons in the lateral rat cc. (B) Absence of NADPH-d+ also neurons at … Figure 2 Distribution of NADPH-d+ neurons from lateral to medial (from A to D; right hemisphere) and from medial to lateral (from E to H; left hemisphere) in the rat corpus callosum. Stereotaxic coordinates according to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1982) on … NADPH-d+/NOSIP neurons were isolated or formed groups with other NADPH-d+/NOSIP neurons. In the splenium, they formed a cluster of 3–5 neurons, in the genu (or in the forceps minor of the cc), they formed a larger cluster located in the ventral cc on the boundary with the MLN0128 caudate-putamen or the lateral septal nucleus.

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